As we prepare to dive into a life of of diapers, drool, and sleep deprivation, one of the major debates that have been on our mind is what diapering system we should choose for our baby. There are so many considerations that come into play in making this decision — the health of the baby, environmental impact, convenience, and financial cost.
On the health front, cloth diapers are hands-down the better choice. Disposable diapers are known to contain trace amounts of dioxin, which is a carcinogen known to cause damage to the central nervous system as well as to the kidneys and liver. Beyond that, the various chemicals, paper, and plastic that are found in disposable diapers have caused allergic reactions among infants and have been linked to a rise in asthma and infertility (among baby boys) later in life.
The differences in the environmental impact, however, are not as stark as you would expect them to be, which is ironic because it seems like it is the factor that people seem most concerned about when it comes to the debate between cloth vs disposable diapering.
The negative effects of disposable diapers on our environment are pretty obvious — every year, 2 billion tons of human waste and diapers are thrown into the landfills, and those diapers will take about 500 years to completely decompose. It takes roughly 80,000 lbs. of plastic and over 200,000 trees to manufacture diapers annually in this country, and that all goes to clog our landfills. Did you know that you’re actually supposed to dispose of the human waste in the toilet before throwing your baby’s diaper away? But how many parents actually do that, instead of just quickly rolling it all up in the diaper and tossing it in the garbage? (That’s what I’ve always done when needing to change a baby’s diaper — I didn’t know you weren’t supposed to!) This means that 5 million tons of untreated human waste is going into landfills and contaminating our groundwater.
On the other hand, a lot of people will argue that cloth diapers are harmful in their own ways to our ecosystem. While they may produce less solid waste and don’t affect our landfills, it still takes significantly more of our resources — energy and water — to properly launder cloth diapers than disposable diapers. Depending on the cloth diapers, there may be strong chemicals that are used in washing them, which can also hurt the environment. Still, when you compare the long-term effects of cloth diapers and disposable diapers, it’s pretty clear that disposable diapers ultimately do more damage to the earth.
In terms of convenience, disposable diapers would probably win against cloth diapers. There’s no arguing that disposable diapers are the easiest to handle — as long as you are always stocked up, you can change them out as you please and just toss them when they get dirty, without having to deal with them ever again. The convenience of disposable is undeniable, but it comes at the expense of (as mentioned above) your baby’s health and the environment, as well as cost.
…which leads us to the next point. Just as there’s no questioning the convenience of disposable diapers, there is also no denying that disposable diapers are the most expensive diapering option. It costs an average of $3000 per child from birth to the time they are potty-trained. Buying enough cloth diapers to outfit your baby will be expensive at first ($500-800), but it is an investment that will last for years, especially if you use them for multiple children. Even if you only have one child, cloth diapers are said to pay for themselves within half a year or so, beyond which those using disposable diapers have to continue to diapers while those using cloth are diapering practically for free. Paying under $1000 for all of your children’s diaper needs versus spending upwards of $3000 per child is quite a significant difference.
It’s also a known fact that on average, kids in cloth diapers get potty trained earlier than those in disposable diapers. It has something to do with the fact that they tend to feel more of the discomfort from wetting or soiling their diapers than they do with disposable diapers, which are often more absorbent and keep babies from feeling the same degree of discomfort. Earlier potty-training means less time having to deal with diapers at all, which is more appealing to me than anything!
So, taking into account all these factors, cloth diapers seem to be the smarter option, right? Now before you go shaking your head in disbelief and disgust over the thought of cloth diapers and how messy you imagine them to be, let me tell you that I initially felt the same way:
To be completely honest, before I got pregnant, I would not have even considered cloth diapering. Changing my younger siblings’ dirty diapers grossed me out while I was growing up, and the thought of having to launder dirty cloth diapers — instead of simply tossing them in the diaper pail — made me sick to my stomach. But this was because I was imagining the old-school cloth diapers that are pinned closed with a giant safety pin. Little did I know that with the advent of modern diapers, you could choose from diapers that have liners or inserts (that keeps the waste and mess you have to deal with to a minimum), with snaps, buttons, or velcro closure. There are so many options out there — and may I add that many of them are adorable! 🙂
Here are some of the great options I’ve found in my research of cloth diapers….
FuzziBunz: The greatest part about these is that they come in a One Size option, with several snap settings that allows you to use these diapers from when your baby’s a newborn until they’re potty-trained, without having to upgrade to larger sizes as they grow. The fact that they’re adjustable to fit snugly on your baby’s bum is a great feature makes them some of the most popular cloth diapers on the market!
Bumgenius: This is an all-in-one cloth diaper with an absorbent layer integrated with a waterproof outer layer. They’re supposedly very easy to work with, featuring stretchy tabs and hook & loop closures. The super absorbent nature of the diapers and the fact that you don’t have to deal with any sort of stuffing or inserts makes it a convenient choice for a lot of parents.
gDiapers: This is actually the option I personally am leaning most heavily towards. It is actually not a true cloth diaper — it’s more accurately described as an earth-friendly hybrid of cloth and disposable! You buy the washable gPants diaper covers, and you can choose from either biodegradable diaper inserts or reusable cloth diaper inserts. The biodegradable inserts are 100% biodegradable, and can be home composted, flushed, or tossed in the garbage. The cloth inserts are made of microfleece and hemp cotton, which are super absorbent and make for a breathable diaper for your baby’s skin. Either way you choose to go, it’s eco-friendly and good for both the earth and baby. The gPants diaper covers come in three sizes, adorable bright colors, and have an easy velcro closure to work with.
Here’s a video that actually shows how fast the biodegradable gDiaper inserts break down, compared to regular disposable diapers.
You can see how the gDiaper system works with the following video:
Dan and I are still not sure what to do for diapering the baby, and I guess we probably won’t know until she’s here and we try some different options to see what works best for us. Being a new parent is such a challenge in itself that I’m predicting that for the first month or so, we’ll probably just use disposables until we get adjusted to diapering in general. I think I would without question go the cloth diapering route if I were to be a stay-at-home mom and had the time to be doing laundry several times a week. But I plan to return to work in some capacity after my maternity leave, and it’s difficult to find a caretaker or a daycare that will be flexible enough to work with your diapering system, especially if it’s not one they are used to. That said, I think it’s really important to consider and weigh all the various options that are available to us these days — being knowledgeable and aware of them will help you make an informed decision about what will be the best fit for your family and for your lifestyle.
February 18, 2011 @ 9:08 am
I do agree with what you are saying about disposable diapers.. However I recommend trying out disposable before buying all
Of them at once. I worked at a daycare and worked with infants for about a year in Portland. A few parents had decided to use the cloth system. The cons I had noticed were that most of the kids had severe diaper rash. Not sure if that was directly related to cloth diapering or if it was the children’s sensitive skin (given all diapers give diaper rash.. Just noticed it more with those children). Also the cloth never returns to fully clean no matter how hard you try and wash it (stains). The diapers are incredibly bulky and they leak out the sides sometimes.. More than disposable diapers. Plus cleaning them are a hassle and
You can’t throw them out if you are on the go, vacationing..away from home. They are a great solution though if you will be at home with your baby. Anyway.. Just a few thoughts. I’m sure moms who have used cloth diapers can give you more insight.Â
February 18, 2011 @ 8:41 pm
Thanks for your input, Allison! I didn’t know you worked at a daycare before — you probably have much more experience with diapering than me! I’ve never even worked with cloth diapers before so I actually don’t really know anything beyond what I’ve read and seen online.
It’s interesting what you mentioned about the diaper rash – my boss said that she had the same issue of getting bad diaper rash on her daughter the few times she tried cloth with her. A lot of the sites that push cloth diapers have said that diaper rash is not as bad with cloth diapers as they are with disposables, but it seems like that’s not always the case. 🙁
We will probably go with disposables for the first month or so and perhaps try a couple cloth options afterwards to see how well they work out for us. I definitely think it’s smart to always keep a few disposables on hand, for going out in public (when we don’t want to carry around a dirty cloth diaper) and such. We’ll see how things go! 🙂
February 18, 2011 @ 9:12 am
That <$1k for cloth diapers goes up significantly if you use a diaper service. Most people use on in order to avoid spending their weekends doing laundry. Even without a diaper service, you gotta think about all the costs of washing the diapers yourself–cost of water, electricity, detergent, etc and your opportunity costs (ie weekends spent doing laundry and the waking up you do at night when the baby wets its diaper). I think that in terms if cost, both options are equal.
February 18, 2011 @ 1:25 pm
Yea, I’ve heard some people tell me the cost ultimately does end up being about the same, depending on how you go about it.. We’re also considering a compostable diaper service in the area, like Earth Baby… it doesn’t save too much on the cost since it ends up being about the same as buying disposables, but it’s much better for the environment and I’ll have a clearer conscience. Thanks for weighing in! 🙂
February 18, 2011 @ 9:57 am
I have a friend who uses cloth diapers for both her girls, and it works for her. I personally couldn’t do it. I do however coupon, and save big $$ on diapers. When Ben was a NB-size2, we used Pampers, and I used coupons, and from size3-5 we use target brand. I never spend more than .15 cents per diaper, and can sometimes get them a lot cheaper online. Being the devil’s advocate, are you considering using reusable wipes? I don’t have any info on how they effect the enviroment, just thought i would throw it out there. I can send you my friend’s email if you want to ask her about her cloth diaper experience. Good Luck! and huge props if you use Cloth diapers!!
February 18, 2011 @ 8:46 pm
Thanks for the comment, Liz! 🙂 It’s really valuable to hear the opinions of experienced moms, since I don’t even have the baby out yet!
If we do end up going with disposables, we’ll definitely try to save in as many ways as we can by using coupons, like you! Those diaper costs can really add up.
I actually hadn’t heard about reusable wipes! I’ll definitely have to look into those. We were just thinking of going with disposable wipes, since we didn’t know there were any other options.
February 18, 2011 @ 10:37 am
You can easily find a way to do both options 🙂 We used ‘spoisies’ for the most part but I eventually convinced my husband to try cloth diapering which I had been wanting to do for so long (cloth diaper baby bums are soooo cute!)! We cloth diapered on nights and weekends but very shortly after we started trying them out Chase wanted to start potty training so we switched to Huggies Pull Ups for all day use, even on weekends. I continued to cloth diaper at night for a but it got to be a pain when he wanted to potty at night so I went ahead and switched to full time Pull Ups! I know there are cloth training pant options, but I admit I haven’t looked into them (I should, the Pull Ups are ridiculously expensive!)
I would like to cloth diaper with Evan this summer when I am off from work. Cloth diaper laundry is really not that bad! I used fleece or flannel snap covers with prefolds (look like burp cloths) inside. But like your research shows there are so many neat options out there!
February 18, 2011 @ 1:25 pm
Thanks for sharing your experience with cloth diapering! If we do end up doing cloth or the hybrid diaper, we will probably still take disposables with us for when we go out or when traveling, just for the convenience. I can’t wrap my head around the potty-training stage just yet, but I’ll have to think about that as well in a couple years!
February 18, 2011 @ 1:12 pm
Well! I made my own cloth diapers and waterproof covers! I love them! It’s not that much work to clean them, and smells way better than disposables loaded with poopie in your trash can! We do use disposables though when we go out in public and at night time for comfort. It’s easier for me that way….
February 18, 2011 @ 1:25 pm
Wow, I can’t believe you made your own cloth diapers and covers – that’s so neat! People do tend to scoff at the prospect of cloth diapering because they think it’s gross, but I think having a pailful of poopy disposables is just as bad! We might end up doing sort of a hybrid system of cloth and disposable – using disposables for when we go out and at night time, like you suggested. 🙂 I’m not going to kill myself over being a granola mom, but I want to at least give each option a try!
February 18, 2011 @ 6:50 pm
Wow, this was very interesting and educational! Also the comments above! I would love to use cloth diapers when I have kids. Those hybrids looked really good and easy to use! Thanks for posting, Misono! Always interesting to read!
February 18, 2011 @ 8:49 pm
I actually learned a lot not only from doing the research on these, but also from all the comments above and talking to moms who’ve already had kids. I would love to try cloth diapering too, but we’ll see how well I can handle it. It’s tough when you don’t have your own house – we share the laundry machine and dryer with our landlord who lives on the other side of the duplex, so we have to be mindful of her, too. We’ll see how things go!
February 19, 2011 @ 4:56 pm
wow, you’re so berkeley! i always thought of cloth diapers as an archaic thing of the past so it’s cool to learn otherwise. on a somewhat related note, i wonder if someone will eventually make a more eco-friendly version of feminine hygiene pads/pantyliners. tampons are flushable for the most part, but i’ve always thought, given how many women there are in this world and how most of us have monthly menstrual cycles for at least ~40 yrs of our life, how much waste we all must produce. ok maybe that was TMI, haha sorry!
February 19, 2011 @ 5:24 pm
hey, I second these thoughts. I too have wondered about the ecological implications of all the feminine hygiene products used in the world. Along that note, consider all the adult “briefs” (diapers) that are used for our geriatric populations as well as the humongous pads used for women after they deliver their babies. That’s a lot of waste!
On another note, I found your post very interesting and very thorough in true Misono-style :). I like how you consider all the different options and rationales. Like bestest says, Berkeley’s rubbing off on ya! kidding :). I’d like to be as conscientious as you are when it comes down to all of that, when I have a kiddo of my own someday.
February 20, 2011 @ 6:52 pm
I agree that the diapers for the elderly create a lot of diapers too! I wonder if cloth diapers come in larger sizes for the older generations… I imagine changing a fully grown adult’s diapers is a lot more troublesome than changing baby diapers!
haha* Being the worrywart that I am and feeling like I always need to be prepared, I did some exhaustive research (in typical Misono fashion) about cloth diapers to weigh the pros and cons of them against disposable diapers. I’m still kind of undecided and I don’t think we can really know what will work best for us until baby comes, but I like to know all of the possibilities that are available! 🙂
February 19, 2011 @ 9:45 pm
Actually, there are a few viable reusable pad options on the market, notably and I haven’t personally tried either (I’m a tampon gal), but several of my friends use them and have given them positive reviews.
And Misono, I saw this very informative and inspiring series re: cloth diapering on a really sweet “mom-blog” that you would like in general: (part 1) / (part 2) / (a giveaway — hurry and enter!),
February 20, 2011 @ 6:58 pm
Wow, I remember my mom telling me about cloth menstrual pads back in the day, but that is pretty cool that those options are also being updated and making a comeback! 🙂 I didn’t even know such options were available anymore!
Thanks so much for sharing those blog posts with me! I spent a good half hour checking out her posts (and some of the rest of the blog), and it was really informative and enlightening. It’s great to be able to hear someone’s cloth diapering experience in detail so we can know exactly what we’re getting ourselves into. (The blog is super cute, by the way – I’m bookmarking it! You always know the coolest blogs and sites!)
We do kind of have the issue where the washer and dryer we use for laundry is not exactly in our unit, and our landlord is graciously letting us share hers… so I have a feeling that for as long as we live in our current place, we won’t really be able to do cloth diapers with washing them at home. We’ll either have to go with a service or try the hybrid system. You’re one of the first people who had really encouraged me to look into cloth diapers, and I’m really glad you did! It’s made me a lot more open-minded to them and I’ve learned a lot in the process of researching the options there are out there. 🙂
We’ll see what we end up doing!
February 20, 2011 @ 8:43 pm
Yeah, I’m not sure if we’ll be able to swing washing diapers in our communal apartment washer and dryer, so I feel your pain. The machines take quarters, so thankfully there wouldn’t be any weirdness about wrangling with the water bill, but I’m not sure how our neighbors would feel about the actual contents of our laundry! So much to think about–I don’t envy you and Dan right now :-p From this blog post, though, it seems like you are really, really weighing both sides, to which I say, “Right on!”
February 20, 2011 @ 6:48 pm
I used to think of cloth diapers as really old-fashioned and outdated, too, but it’s really cool to see all the updated, modern options there are out there! 🙂 There’s just so many choices that it’s been hard for me to decide which one(s) to try out.
Biodegradable tampons and pads never really crossed my mind, but you bring up a really good point! We use feminine products for many more years than we do diapers (albeit it’s only once a month, for a week or so), but that can really clog the landfills, too! I did a quick search for something biodegradable online and found these: (And as my friend Tarrin points out below, there are some other options for it) I’m surprised I haven’t heard of products like this before, and that there hasn’t been more of a push for that.
February 20, 2011 @ 5:21 pm
If you go with disposable diapers, I would recommend Pampers. It’s saved us a lot of time and money compared to huggies and other generic brands. Pampers was the only one that did not leak. And it’ll let you know when it’s time to change the diaper. I got my diapers really cheap from Amazon Mom. 30% off of already discounted price. And you’ll be able to find some coupons for another 20% off. I was able to get a $48 box of diapers for only $12 shipped to my door the next day. Oh yeah you’ll also qualify for free two day shipping. 🙂 We love it since we don’t have the time to go out and shop. Hope this helps.
February 20, 2011 @ 7:01 pm
I think we will go with Pampers Swaddlers for disposables at first, too! 🙂 My friend told me about the green line that shows up when the diaper gets wet, so there’s not so much guessing about when the diaper is soiled. Definitely helpful for clueless new parents like Dan and I… haha* Thanks so much for the money-saving tips – we’ll definitely look into getting a similar deal at Amazon!
February 26, 2011 @ 2:57 pm
Hey Misono!
Wanted to share this link with you, it’s one of the blogs that I read, and they talked about their cloth diapering experience.
I’ve also had several friends go cloth, and have used the last two that you’re looking into, and haven’t had much of a problem. And, like you said, they have potty trained faster.
Good luck with everything!
February 27, 2011 @ 5:21 pm
Hi Crystal! 🙂
Thanks so much for the comment and for sharing that blog post with me. I took a look at the blog; it’s very neat and looks like it has a lot of cool DIY tips! 🙂
It’s nice to know that cloth diapering is getting more popular these days and that there’s actually a lot of support for it. I was surprised to find that a lot of moms have gone the cloth route, since when I mention it in conversations, a lot of the feedback tends to be negative. It’s great to hear of success stories.
We’ll figure things out when the baby’s here, but I definitely want to keep myself open to the option of cloth! 🙂