As of Friday, I am 30 weeks pregnant! Here’s an update on the progress of the baby bump, since I last posted at 22 weeks:


belly photos, 14-30 weeks
(Click the photo to see it larger.)

I’m well into the 7th month, and the baby is now the size of a large squash! It’s been a couple weeks since entering the third trimester, and my energy level is going down again, so I’ve been spending a lot of my weekends and evenings after work taking power naps to recharge. The baby is more active than ever and with all the constant kicks and jabs and rolling this way and that, it’s been hard getting a good night’s sleep. Perhaps this is nature’s way of preparing you for the sleepless nights ahead with a newborn. 😛

Dan and I watched the movie Away We Go this weekend. Our friend Megumi had recommended it to us, saying it was a cute story about a pregnant couple. Dan was a little reluctant to watch it at first because he was under the impression that it was a chick flick, but we both ended up loving it!



Of course, I’ve always loved John Krasinski of The Office fame, and although he was pretty scruffy-looking in the film, he still retained his signature dorky, cute personality in this film. The movie was quirky, charming, and had some really funny moments that had Dan and I chortling with laughter. Amidst some of the awkward and kooky happenings in the story, there were also some melancholy, sincere, and heartwarming points that made it very real and tangible at the same time. The emotions and feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, and hopes that the couple share as they prepare for their first child were all-too-familiar and sometimes I felt like the film was mirroring what I was feeling internally. It was oddly reassuring to see that I’m not the only expectant mother in the world whose anticipation and excitement towards impending parenthood is tinged with a myriad of worries, apprehension and self-doubt. They say everyone experiences it, but when I see other women who are absolutely blissful and happy-go-lucky about their pregnancies, I can’t help but feel a little guilty.

Anyway, the movie was sweet and endearing — thank you Megumi for telling us about it! 🙂