Mio has yet to learn enough words to form full sentences, and a lot of her “words” are not quite real words but more abbreviated versions or sounds that represent them, but I’ve been noticing that she’s been picking up 3-4 new “words” every week, and it’s really made communication with her a lot more comprehensible and fun! I created a list of all of the things she says these days, and I was surprised at how much she’s learned over the past few months.
English Words
Japanese Words
pahn – breadΓΒ (derived from French word pain)
meh – eye
mimi – ear
teh – hand
ikou – let’s go
itai – it hurts, or ouch
kocchi – over hereΓΒ (She often uses this to point out that she wants what I’m eating, instead of what I’m trying to feed her)
kore – this
achicchi – Japanese word for when something is hot
nenne – Japanese baby word for “sleep”
kkukku – Japanese baby word for “shoes”
Sound-Based Words (Onomatopoeia)
wan wan – dog (Japanese version of “woof woof”)
boo-bboo – car (Japanese sound for car honking)
poopoo – need I explain?
pippee – peepee
ooh-ooh-ah-ah – monkey
ppo-ppo – train (Japanese sound for train puffing out smoke)
buu buu – pig (Japanese version of “oink”)
gwa gwa – duck (Japanese version of “quack”)
moh moh – cow (Japanese version of “moo moo”)
“Words” Invented by Mio
daiii – short for “daisuki,” which means “I love you” in Japanese
chicchi – short for chinchilla
We can’t wait to see what new words she’ll learn next!