Mio is getting a lot of love in Virginia from not only family, but a lot of her Mommy’s friends, too! πŸ™‚ Here are some of the wonderful people Mio has had the pleasure of meeting the past few days — she is such a lucky girl! πŸ˜€

On Friday, my best friend Debbie came to see Mio.

the bestest with Mio
The bestest with Mio. They're matching in plaid! Mio is already learning from my fashionable best friend!


Georgetown Cupcakes!
Debbie brought Georgetown Cupcakes! I finally got to try them, and they were amazing.


Our family friend had a baby in February, so we had a playdate with their daughter Junna-chan on Saturday.

Mio slept through most of the playdate...
Here is Mio with Junna-chan. Mio slept through much of the playdate...


Mio’s aunt Hyo (Dan’s sister) came down to visit from New York for the weekend, too!

Mio and Auntie Hyo
Mio finally got to meet Auntie Hyo!


Mio with Elisa
My brother's girlfriend Elisa also came to see Mio!


My friend Stephanie came to meet Mio on Monday evening!

Stephanie came to see Mio!
Mio with Auntie Stephanie... sucking on her arm. Way to make a first impression.


Thanks for visiting, Steph! :)
Thank you for visiting, Steph!


Today, Mio and I took the Metro to visit our friends Lan and Mie and their adorable sons! I forgot my camera so I couldn’t take many photos, but here are a couple that I took on my phone.

He is so adorable!
Mie with 10-month old Kosei. Super cute!!!


Auntie Lan with Mio
Lan holding Mio. Thank you for a fun afternoon together!


Mio is so lucky to be showered with so much love while we’re back East. We still have a little over a week left in Virginia, but we’ve already had so much fun making great memories with everyone here.