I was just offloading photos and videos from my phone, and thought I’d post some of these funny/cute videos of the girls from this past month. Enjoy!
Mio enjoying her cheese puffs while we were driving to Lewes Beach earlier this month.
Mio requests for Dan to sing the hokey pokey at bedtime lately, and she makes this funny sound at “shake it all about!” No idea where she picked it up, but it’s pretty hilarious…
Blowing bubbles on the porch:
I signed Mio up for her first dance class this summer, and even though the first class is still a couple weeks away, she’s so excited and has been spinning and tumbling around everywhere in her leotard and tutu:
Mirei’s been doing this thing a lot lately where she sucks in her lips. (Maybe due to teething?) Here’s a video of it — she sucks her thumb at one point, too! Her upper lip reminds me of a turtle. 🙂
On Sunday afternoon, we took Mio and Mirei to the pool for the first time this year. Mio still remembers all the fun she had at the water park and pools last summer, and she’s been saying “Go to waterpark!” for a couple months now. We went to Cub Run RECenter, as they have an indoor pool with a water slide and play area for kids. Mio had so much fun splashing around that she was reluctant to leave at the end!
Our first time at Cub Run RECenter in Chantilly.
Mio splashing around as soon as we got to the pool:
Mio about to go down the slide.
Mio going down the water slide:
Mio couldn’t get enough of the slide!
Venturing to the deeper end with Daddy.
Wading around with Daddy:
Drying off during the break.
Mirei woke up so we changed her into a bathing suit, too!
Mirei’s first time steeping into the pool… she cried a little at first, but once she got used to the water, she seemed to love it!
Sweet big sister planting a kiss on Mirei.
Chubby legs in the water…
My sweet M&Ms
Mio having a blast with Daddy!
Mirei smiling big for Daddy!
Our little waterbug ♥
Mirei’s expression here is so funny and cute!
Mio’s hug attack from behind!
We’re looking forward to more visits to the pool and to the water park as the weather gets warmer!
Mio is turning into more and more of a silly goofball these days! She’s always been a little unintentionally quirky and funny (as is apparent in the many embarrassing photos I’ve posted of her that she’ll likely resent me for in ten years), but she’s been starting to develop her own sense of humor and tries to crack jokes recently. Her latest favorite thing to do is to pick up objects and then suddenly hide them behind her head or her back and say “___ is gone!” (or sometimes in Japanese, “___ doko?!” meaning “Where’s ___?!”) and play dumb, as if it’s disappeared and she had nothing to do with it… and then she’ll whip it back out in front of her after a while and say “It’s here!” It was funny at first in a “Aww it’s her first deliberate attempt at a joke” kind of way, but the “gone” disappearing act has quickly gotten old and lost its charm as she does it at least twenty times a day with various objects, and we’re far from thrilled when she chooses to do it with food since it inevitably gets in her hair or on her clothes when she tries to “hide” it. Still, it’s endearing to watch her personality emerge even more and see her attempts to make others smile and laugh. Below are some fun videos I’ve captured of her lately…
Boppy Lion: “I am Mio, hear me roar!” (Yes, that is my breastfeeding pillow…)
Family Members as Cookies: Mio has this adorable toy cookie set that our dear friend Megumi gifted her when we visited Los Angeles last spring. She loves it and plays with it often, and we always encourage her to “share” the cookies with everyone. In the past couple months, we noticed that she has decided on a specific cookie for each member of the family, including her grandparents and aunt and uncles, and the cookies she’s assigned them never changes. It seems Mio’s carefully selected a cookie for each family member based on her perception of them. It’s funny to see how she sees each of us in cookie form!
Peekaboo with Wipes: Ever since the arrival of baby Mirei, Mio’s suddenly taken an interest in pulling out wet wipes and playing with them. Her favorite thing to do is put them on her face, for some reason… maybe because her skin feels dry?
Several parts of the country are currently getting hit by a winter storm, and our area was definitely not immune! We got over a foot of snow last night, and woke up to our cars buried and much shoveling to be done. Dan is working from home today and needless to say, the girls and I will not be going out anywhere for a while… good thing I have my own little miss sunshine with us to brighten our days!