Celebrating Eric and Jen tying the knot on July 11, 2015! Congratulations to these two beautiful lovebirds!

Celebrating Eric and Jen tying the knot on July 11, 2015! Congratulations to these two beautiful lovebirds!
We were invited to our dear friend Hanna and her brothers’ annual Christmas party this past Saturday, and we were so excited we could make it this year! (We’ve only been able to attend once before because we were always in California until right before Christmas.) We put Mio to bed and left her with my parents in case she woke up, and got to have a fun evening celebrating the holidays with friends!
It was a potluck, and there was SO much amazing food! I ate so much, and it showed. haha* I should think twice before wearing a bandage skirt if I know I’m going to be stuffing my face…
The highlight of this annual Christmas party is always the White Elephant gift exchange! There’s always lots of laughs and interesting gifts, and this year was no exception! This year there was everything from a knockoff Snuggie to a Kindle up for grabs!
We returned to California on Monday morning, and have been recovering in the couple days since — the flight was exhausting, and Mio and I had been suffering from pretty bad allergies the last few days we were in Virginia. Dan joined us for our last weekend there so that we could attend Hanna and Tom’s wedding together! Hanna has been a dear friend of mine since college, and I was so honored to be a part of her wedding as a bridesmaid. We unfortunately didn’t get to take many pictures because I was occupied with bridesmaid duties and Dan was busy taking care of Mio, but here are some of the photos and videos from the special day!
At the reception, Hanna and Tom shared a very romantic first dance together as husband and wife!
Mio got in and danced with the best of them! Here’s a video montage of her “dancing” and running around at the reception. I had a fun time chasing her around for much of the time…
The wedding was absolutely beautiful and totally fit the fairy tale theme that Hanna and Tom had envisioned it to be. We’re so happy for them, and wish them all the best in the journey they’re embarking on as husband and wife! Congratulations, you lovebirds! 😀
After the wedding, a bunch of us college friends met up for dinner at Tofu House in Centreville and caught up. I loved seeing everyone again; it felt like we never left Blacksburg!
Our time in Northern Virginia flew by, and I’m sad that we had to leave so soon. Hopefully we’ll be back again soon! 🙂