The weather was gorgeous last weekend, so on Saturday we went on an impromptu picnic in Tilden Park over in Berkeley. We just laid a blanket out on the grass, sprawled out and snacked on fruits and veggies, and simply relaxed. It’s moments like these when I feel like life couldn’t be more perfect… and I’m certain they are the memories I’ll look back on and cherish decades later, when our sweet little girl is grown and gone.

After the picnic, we strolled over to the Tilden Merry-Go-Round. I love this antique carousel with hand-carved and beautifully painted wooden animals — it looks like something from a movie, a gorgeous reminder of another era. We’d come to the merry-go-round a couple times in the past, but this was Mio’s first time riding it!
Hooray for weekend relaxation and fun! We can’t wait to do it again. 😀