Mirei is definitely a conversationalist! Feeding her takes forever because she constantly unlatches and take breaks to “talk” to me. Mio never did this, so it’s a new experience for me but I love these little chats Mirei tries to have with me. Nursing is already a valuable and intimate bonding time with baby, but it makes those moments even sweeter!
I posted a snippet of this video on Instagram to just show how Mirei babbles, but a dear friend pointed out that it sounds like Mirei’s saying “hello” at one point! If you listen it at around the 1 minute (1:00) mark, you’ll catch what really does sound like a “hello”! Coincidence or first word…? Dan does often say “Hello Mirei!” to her so it’s very possible that she picked it up from Daddy!
She can also be a little violent… here she is hitting me! She has been doing a lot of this (along with kicking) lately.
Some more photos and video of Mirei this week…

Patty Cake with Daddy: