In all the craziness of Mio’s eye problems, I almost forgot to mention a milestone Mio was able to accomplish this past weekend! On Sunday, we were playing in a nursery room with a bunch of other friends’ children, and though I usually hold Mio, she was intent on joining the big kids in exploring the toys. She was particularly interested in a large wooden block with a wire maze on top. She grabbed a hold of the wires of the wire maze and pulled herself up to a standing position! Although I was spotting her the whole time in case she lost her balance, I let her support herself without my help. Although she wobbled a little here and there, she stayed standing like that for a couple minutes!

Playing in the nursery.

Holding onto the wires for support.
Holding onto the wires for support.

So proud of you, Mio!
The knees are starting to give way a little, but Mio continues to hang on.
