Last Saturday, we were invited to a pumpkin carving party with the Lee family! There were lots of Halloween-themed treats and games for the little kids, and our whole family had a great time taking part in the festivities with friends. Stephanie and Chwan were wonderful hosts and really threw an awesome Halloween party full of fun for all ages!

spider cupcake decorating station
A decorate-your-own-cupcake station! Such a great idea.


Halloween treats!
Delicious Halloween treats!


spider cupcake decorating station
Mio checking out the cupcake spider.


Mimi holding Mirei
Mimi holding Mirei 🙂


Mio sharing a pizza with Daddy
Mio sharing a pizza with Daddy


Shrimp Mirei
Mirei loved exploring in the new environment!


Mio's decorated cupcake
Mio’s decorated cupcake


Mio with her cupcake!
Mio with her cupcake that she decorated!


Halloween games
There were lots of cool Halloween games that Stephanie set up for the kids.


Dan with our nigiri girls
Dan with our nigiri girls


My girls dressed as sushi!
Our girls dressed as sushi! We’ll have to post better photos of the costumes later.


Mio playing with the hammer toy
Mio loved playing with Danny’s hammer toy


Mio's decorated pumpkin
Mio decorated her pumpkin with these cat face foam stickers.


the carved pumpkins!
The carved pumpkins! Everyone did such a great job carving!


the carved pumpkins!
Dan carved the raven one (in the very back). Good job, hubby!