Mio loves riding the swing whenever she goes to the park. She can’t stop smiling!
Lately, I’ve been trying to be better about taking her to the park more often. She always has so much fun that she gets exhausted and conks out on the walk home. Here she is, asleep in her stroller.
I love mornings like this, when I can sleep in with my little angel. Sometimes I’ll stay awake and just gaze at her cherubic face as she sleeps — these are the moments I’ll treasure in my heart forever.
It looks like we have a fast learner on our hands! Just yesterday, Mio rolled over for the very first time from her back, and now she’s rolling over everywhere, even in her sleep! (Literally.) Early this morning after feeding her, I put her in bed with me as I sometimes do so we could sleep in together after Dan left for work. I awoke an hour later to her grunts to find that she had rolled over to her tummy beside me.
When Mio was still in my belly, everyone teased us about the lack of sleep we’d get once she was out. Although we expected to have sleepless nights, nothing can truly prepare you for it. In all honesty, it sucks. Mio has hijacked our sleep schedule for the past couple months, but we can’t hate her for it — she’s a newborn, and it’s what babies do. So we have been at her mercy for the past couple months…
But last night was different. We put her down to sleep in her nursery at around 11pm, and as I do every night, I mentally prepared myself to wake up 3 or 4 hours later to her cries. I went to sleep too, so I could get as much rest as possible before the middle-of-the-night feeding.
When I awoke to her cries, I strangely felt much more well-rested than usual. Rubbing my eyes, I looked at the clock and was aghast to see that it was almost 7am!
What I had only dreamed of in the past two months had happened — she slept through the night. For EIGHT hours! On her own — no sleeping training or anything!
I don’t dare assume that this will be a regular thing from hereon just yet… but I’m beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel! 🙂
Mio, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed after 8 hours of sleep.