We received a package the other day from my dear friend Sharlé, who was one of my closest friends in middle school and early high school before she moved to Texas. We lost touch for a several years, but we reconnected on Facebook a couple years ago and have been in touch ever since! (I have a love-hate relationship with Facebook… it’s such a timesuck for me and I dislike Mark Zuckerburg’s stance on privacy, but it’s been such a great way to find long-lost friends and to keep in touch with my friends who live far away.) We opened the package to find this adorable handmade hat and poncho that Sharlé crocheted for her! I couldn’t get over how professional and beautiful they look, so I had to take some photos to show them off! 🙂

My friend Sharlé crocheted them for Mio!

Mio playing with her toy box.

Reaching down

The scalloping is adorable!

Mio in her crocheted garments

I love the pink flower detail on the hat and the scalloped edge on both! (I pretty much love anything with scalloping… which is why I incorporated them into the blog redesign!). Thank you so much for the crocheted garments, Sharlé — we’ll treasure them for years to come!