Mio meeting Miyoung for the first time!

My friend Miyoung and her husband Mike were visiting San Francisco this weekend — they came all the way from New Jersey! I’ve known Miyoung since she moved to Virginia when we were in middle school, and we have been friends for over fifteen years! It feels like yesterday that we were both still in junior high, chatting for hours over the phone and having sleepovers watching The Joy Luck Club. We have both have grown up so much since, and are now both married! (I couldn’t make it to her wedding this May because I had just had Mio, but from the photos, she was the most gorgeous bride ever!) I always have fun when I’m with Miyoung, and it was nice to see her again and catch up — I’ve missed her so! Here are some photos from when a bunch of us friends went to lunch together on Sunday.

standing on the table
Mio and Jinwoo decided they wanted some playtime on the table after we were done eating.

What a cutie!
Jinwoo is almost 11 months old. What a cutie!

Mio wondering what's going on.
My little chubster wondering what's going on.

Friends of 15 years!
Mio meets Miyoung for the first time!

Missed you Miyoung!
Missed you, Miyoung!

a group photo after lunch

after a delicious Korean lunch!

John getting some Daddy practice
John getting some Daddy practice with baby Jinwoo before his own baby arrives in December!

Mike with Jinwoo
Miyoung's husband Mike with Jinwoo.

They love each other!
Jinwoo was quite the hit with the guys.

Practicing walking
Jinwoo looks so tiny!

Jinwoo with Mommy
Jinwoo with his Mommy Kayo! Oh the cuteness...

Jinwoo and Mio
Jinwoo reaching out to Mio. He is the first fellow baby friend she ever met!

After lunch, Miyoung and Mike came over to our place, and Miyoung and I caught up for a few hours while our hubbies bonded playing video games together, and concluded the day with dinner. We so appreciated Miyoung and Mike spending the day with us, especially since we live on opposite sides of the country now. I miss you already, Miyoung! ♥