Brushing her curly hair

I’m a bit behind on updates, but Mio turned 22 months old February 2. Here’s the latest on her growth and development!

The Rundown at Twenty-Two Months…

Stats: I’m not sure how tall you are right now because we haven’t had a chance to measure you in a while, but in terms of weight, you now weigh 28 lbs according to the scale at home. You are already getting too heavy for me to carry, and I have to put you down after a couple minutes.

Things You’re Doing Now: You are starting to take an interest in colors, and like to point out things that are red and blue, saying “aka” and “ao” (the Japanese words for the colors, respectively) — though sometimes you get the two mixed up. You’ve always been really into animals, but in the past month or so, you’ve really taken a liking to sea creatures, and like to say “fish” (but with a swishing tone when you say it) and have recently learned “turtle,” too! You have been picking up on certain songs, frequently singing Justin Bieber, as well as singing parts of your favorite Japanese kids’ songs (“Ai Ai,” “Chou-chou”, and “Zou-san”). You’ve started learning some manners too and say “Douzo” when you hand things to people… though sometimes you get confused and say it when you are receiving things, too. You love to take care of others, and I see you frequently trying to feed and dress your stuffed animals, hand toys to other kids, and push doll strollers around. It shows that you have a very nurturing and sweet nature, which is a joy to watch. You’ve also started taking pairs of stuffed animals in either hand, bringing them closer while you make a smacking noise with your lips, followed by “daiii” (for “daisuki”), showing that they are kissing! I have no idea where you learned this from, but it makes us laugh every time! You have been doing a lot of quirky things that I want to capture on camera and remember forever because they are just so silly. You got your first hair trim the other day at the hair salon, where they just cut your bangs, leaving your curls in the back intact. You didn’t even flinch and just stared into the mirror while in my lap, as they snipped away. You broke out into a beaming smile when you saw the results! You are more active than ever and constantly climbing onto furniture and up to high places. The other day you climbed up and stood balancing on top of your tricycle seat, and then triumphantly clapped and shouted to show us your feat! You are becoming more and more independent, and we can definitely see the beginning of the “terrible twos” with some of the tantrums and frustrated whines you’ve been exhibiting when you don’t quite get your way or have trouble communicating what you want. You’re still our sweet little girl though, and while we say this at every stage of your growth, we think you are as cute as ever and can’t wait to see how you will continue to blossom! πŸ™‚


Mio's new fringe. We only cut her bangs.
Mio’s new fringe. We only cut her bangs.


Another interesting fashion statement by Mio. Wearing a box on the head and trying on auntie's boots...
An example of some quirky, interesting behavior from Mio: wearing a box on the head and trying on auntie’s boots…