August was a banner month of visiting friends! Besides my family, who came to visit earlier in the month, we had the pleasure of seeing some of my college friends who were in town the past couple weeks. Schedules were busy and meeting times were limited, but it was so nice to see some familiar faces….

A couple of weeks ago, we had dinner with Jamie when she stopped by San Francisco for a weekend after completing her internship at Samsung in South Korea. We unfortunately could only meet her for dinner on a Friday night because we were in Las Vegas the rest of the weekend, but we caught up over some delicious seafood at R&G Lounge in San Francisco. Jamie was only a freshman when I was a senior, but she seems so grown up now! It made me so proud! (And at the same time made me feel old! haha*)

Jamie came to visit!
With Jamie at dinner at R&G Lounge.
Hadn't seen her in over 3 years!
First time seeing Jamie in over three years!

This past weekend, Luice and Stephanie were in town for their cousin’s wedding, and they were able to make some time for a short brunch before they had to rush off to the nuptials. I was so happy to see the Woo sisters again! 😀 We went to San Tung in Inner Sunset, famous for their dry-fried chicken wings!

lunch at San Tung with the girls!
Brunch at San Tung with Stephanie, Luice, and Sue!

Loved seeing everyone again!
Loved seeing everyone again!

In addition to visitors, I was excited to have two friends from back East move to the area this month as well. Sue, who came to visit last month, landed an awesome job out here at a renowned architecture firm, and our friends April and Ed (now engaged!) made the move earlier this month for April to start her PhD program at UC Berkeley. We’re so happy to have so many new neighbors from back home! 😀