On Sunday evening during our stay in California, we drove down to San Jose to see Dan’s grandmother and aunts. It was the first time the Allens (Dan’s immediate family) has been all together in a couple years, and we got together with some of the relatives so that we could all see them together. Mio and Mirei were particularly interested in their grandparents’ dog Choco!

Visiting San Jose


Visiting San Jose
Dan and Mirei sitting with Dan’s grandmother, who is 96 years old.


Allen family reunion in San Jose
Allen family reunion in San Jose


Allen family reunion in San Jose


Allen family reunion in San Jose


Allen family reunion in San Jose


At one point, Mio went into her grandparents’ room, where Grandma let Mio try on her odori (Japanese traditional dance) hat, adorned with flowers.

Mio trying on Grandma's Japanese dance hat


Mio trying on Grandma's Japanese dance hat


Mio trying on Grandma's Japanese dance hat
Mio trying on Grandma’s Japanese dance hat


Mio trying on Grandma's Japanese dance hat


It was nice to be able to spend time with Dan’s grandmother and aunts, since we rarely get to see them as we’re on the other side of the country. Our hearts are always warmed by their hospitality!