Something I’ve always wanted to do with my children is bake with them. Ever since I was a little girl, I always loved baking cakes, cookies, and all kinds of treats for the family. (My mom was much more the cooking type so I did all the baking in the house from an early age.) I always imagined that baking together would be a fun way for mothers and daughters to bond and have fun in the kitchen together, and now that I’m a mom of girls, I am excited about fully indulging myself in such fantasies, whether my girls will like it or not! Mio’s at an age where she can understand and follow most directions, is curious and interested in doing grownup things, and usually eager to help. It was rainy earlier today, and I thought it might be the perfect opportunity to stay indoors and try some mommy & me baking for the first time together! The project? To make red bean buns shaped like Mio’s favorite characters! I’d never actually attempted this particular recipe before, so in hindsight it was probably a little too ambitious and involved for our first collaboration together… but I really wanted to produce something that Mio would love!

Though I of course ended up doing most of the work, Mio had a lot of fun being involved and helping with some of the steps here and there, and of course she excelled in the role she loves most — eating the finished treat! I’d say our first baking experience together was a success. I’m looking forward to many more countless baking adventures together with my sweet daughter(s)!