Mio’s last day at preschool is April 10 (since we’re moving her to a full-day daycare), and she had a birthday celebration on April 8, the first day back from spring break. It was bittersweet because it was like a birthday party and farewell party in one! Her teachers and classmates all told her they’d miss her very much and were sad to have to say goodbye.
Birthday cookies we baked for Mio’s class.
Mio couldn’t contain her excitement while we were baking the cookies:
The happy birthday girl with her birthday crown!
At preschool, parents are allowed to bring a birthday treat and a book to read to the class on their child’s birthday. I chose Me… Jane by Patrick McDonnell, which is one of Mio’s favorites, and it seems like the class enjoyed it, too!
The next day, Mio got a birthday card from one of her classmates!
Such an adorable card handmade by Mio’s friend Elizabeth and her sister Emma
Mio was elated to get a birthday card from her classmate and friend! So sweet of them to think of her.
Mio has also said she’ll miss her preschool and her teachers and friends there, but she’s also expressed excitement about her new daycare! We’ve had a great two years at the preschool, and are so thankful for all the wonderful teachers and classmates there that have made it such a great experience for Mio and our family.
With the holiday season comes so much joy and laughter, and this month was definitely full of funny and sweet moments brought to us by our little girls! Here are some moments that brought smiles (and at times, uncontainable laughter) to our faces!
Mio making “alphabet soup” with her fridge magnets
Mirei creeping up from behind… Mirei LOVES playing with the mixing bowls and strainers.
Mio making funny voices, trying to imitate Minnie Mouse:
Look at Mirei’s ecstatic smile! They are so happy that Daddy’s home from work.
Group hug! So sweet… TGIF for the Daddy’s girls.
The girls listening to the talking Mother Goose doll sent to them from their grandparents in California:
Mio’s preschool had a pajama day, for when Santa came to visit them.Â
Mirei climbed into a cardboard box, we turned it into a makeshift bed… and it did not end well.
Mirei leaning against and hugging her Ojiichan. ♥ So sweet!
Mio on her last day of school of 2014. She came back with lots of Christmas-themed crafts, along with little treats and gifts from her teachers and classmates!
Mio randomly said this repeatedly one night…
Who is “John”?! We actually don’t know any Johns…?
Mio is excited to try Snocream! (Taiwanese shaved ice served out of a bus! Love the ice cube seats.)
A multitasking Daddy!
Mio discovered her purple velour tracksuit twinsie at the grocery store!
…before she fell asleep in the cart. Narcolepsy strikes again!
Mio reading the library book we had borrowed for Mirei. She still loves baby books, and she’s still my baby. ♥
We hope these silly and heartwarming moments bring you some holiday cheer! Can’t believe it’s already Christmas tomorrow!
There’s nothing Mio loves more than to sit down with a good book! I think reading is so important for kids, and because I was such a bookworm myself as a child, it fills me with so much joy and pride to see Mio taking an interest in books at such an early age. We read to her often every day, but there are also many times when she’ll just sit down and flip through the pages and “read” to herself in her own babbling language.
Here’s a cute moment I captured of Mio having some reading time with my sister. She takes such great care of Mio! 😀
Kicking back with a good book.
Mio’s favorite books are the ones with flaps that she can look behind.
Uh oh! It looks like Mio caught me spying on her reading time…
…and then she pounced, and I died from the cuteness. 😉