We’re thrilled to announce that we’re expecting our second child, due to arrive in January! Our little family of three is growing into a family of four in the new year.
Mio expresses our feelings exactly about this upcoming big change in our lives…
A lot of times, we’re full of excitement and anticipation…
…but we are not without those moments of fear and uncertainty.
“What have we gotten ourselves into?! Can we handle this?!”
But yes, for the most part… we’re just super excited.
And while Mio may not exactly understand yet how her life is about to drastically change…
…we can be sure she’s going to be an awesome big sister!
It’s been hard keeping it a secret, and while we were trying to keep it to ourselves just a little longer, it’s proved impossible by the fact that my belly’s been getting noticeable a lot earlier this time around (I swear I already look like I’m 5 months along), it’s been difficult to explain my seemingly constant state of nausea and the frequent dashes to the bathroom, and the fact that my mother in her unbridled excitement spilled the news to half the people she talked to at my brother’s wedding this past weekend (“Please be understanding if my oldest daughter pukes during the ceremony… she’s PREGNANT!” Thanks, mom.) Baby #2 certainly hasn’t made it easy for me so far, as I believe my morning sickness is actually worse this time around (while I was nauseous all 9 months while pregnant with Mio, I mostly suffered from gagging and dry heaving, and only actually threw up a handful of times — this time I’ve been losing my dinner almost every night), and being pregnant while taking care of a toddler seems to triple the first trimester exhaustion… but we’re very thankful for this opportunity to be creating a nurturing yet another human life.
We’re very touched and grateful for the support and enthusiasm of everyone as we’ve announced this happy news. I know I say this often, but I feel like I can never stress enough how lucky we are to have all of your in our lives — it’s thanks to you that our family’s lives are so enriched.
I’ve finally lost all the pregnancy weight! I weighed myself the other day and was two pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight. Hoorah! Probably all thanks to breastfeeding, since I have not exercised in the slightest since giving birth.
Now if only the residual tummy flab would just magically disappear….
Some of the sweetest treats I’ve enjoyed during my pregnancy have come from my wonderful coworker and dear friend Tarrin! Throughout my pregnancy, she’s given me these gifts of various awesome handmade lollipops from mihow on Etsy. Made from real old-fashioned sugar (no corn syrup), they’re high-quality ‘pops that taste absolutely delicious!
Towards the beginning of my second trimester, when I was still feeling really queasy from morning sickness, Tarrin first introduced me to these amazing lollipops with the First Trimester lollipops, which is a mix of lemon and ginger:
These actually really helped with the nausea! I had bought boxes of Preggie Pops beforehand in hopes that they’d soothe my morning sickness, but they weren’t super helpful… so I was really excited to find a remedy that actually worked! 🙂
At the beginning of the third trimester, she got me these yummy matcha lollipops. I pretty much love matcha-flavored anything, so these went really fast!
And now that my due date is fast approaching, Tarrin just gave me these Due Date lollipops yesterday, which are wintergreen-flavored with fennel seeds. (Fennel seeds apparently help with the production of breast milk — I had no idea!) They’ll come in handy during labor, when I likely won’t be able to have any solid foods, as well as afterwards! 🙂
I’ve become a big fan of mihow’s lollipops after having the pleasure of trying all these varieties thanks to Tarrin! Dan has even snuck a couple here and there (even though they were meant for me… :P), and he’s commented on how great they are as well. I may have to order some myself and try some of the other intriguing flavors that are featured in her shop, even after I’m no longer pregnant! I love the variety of unique flavors, and the fact that some of them are geared towards helping with pregnancy woes — they make great gifts for mommies-to-be, or if you’re just a sweet-lover like me. 🙂
A sincere thank you to Tarrin for introducing me to these lollipops and repeatedly gifting them for me over the past few months! These delightful sweets and your thoughtfulness has made the more difficult aspects of pregnancy a little more bearable. ♥ You’re the best!
Maybe it’s because I’m 38 weeks pregnant and am more emotional and mercurial than ever (Yesterday, I had a bout of hysteria when I realized that my engagement ring and wedding band would no longer come off of my swollen finger and that they were cutting off my circulation. Thankfully, after some diligent prodding with soapy water in the shower, I was able to finally get them off and save said finger from the possible disastrous fate of amputation that I so feared)… or maybe it’s because my anxieties are only mounting higher than Mt. Everest along with my burgeoning belly… but watching the following video today made me cry like a baby.
It’s an encouraging compilation of footage of mothers and what they would tell themselves if they could go back to just before their first child was born.
My friend Erri sent me a Japanese poem towards the beginning of my pregnancy, when I still hadn’t told many people that we were expecting, while I was battling severe morning sickness and was feeling overwhelmed by the apprehension and uncertainty towards the unknown world of pregnancy and motherhood. It’s a poem that is written from the perspective of your unborn baby, and I’ve read it over and over throughout the past few months, and it’s always given me strength and comfort when I was feeling inadequate and down. It made me cry so much the first time I read it, and it still brings tears to my eyes even though I’ve reread it several times now. Thank you Erri for sharing it with me!
I tried my best to translate the poem for English readers, but not sure if I did it justice!
I Chose You
by Koji Samejima
Father, Mother — please let me call you this.
Seeing the two of you intimately loving one another,
I made the decision to come down to your world
Feeling that you would surely enrich this life of mine.
It takes courage to come down to earth from this pure, untainted world.
There were friends who experienced anxiety on earth, and turned back.
There were friends who sensed uncertainty in the couple’s relationship,
and turned back.
There were friends who were rejected, returning to this world in tears.
Embraced in the warmth of your bosom, I now feel happiness.
Do you still remember the day that you accepted me?
The day that the two of you became one, caring for and seeking one another?
With a love so strong that it seemed like it would last forever, you invited me.
The day you sensed for a moment the breath of a new “life.”
Yes, that day. That was the day that I chose you.
Do you remember the day that you learned of me?
For a moment, you felt lost and confused.
For a moment, you were overwhelmed by uncertainty.
And then, you accepted me.
I remember very well your momentary changes of heart.
The times when you were suffering from morning sickness,
You turned your thoughts to me to encourage yourself.
The times that you could not stand me,
Muttering that you no longer wanted me.
The times that you persisted under the burden of my weight,
Accusing yourself that you were not good enough.
I remember every one of those moments very clearly.
You and I are one.
When you laugh and feel joy, I am filled with happiness.
When you are angry or saddened, I am overcome with unrest.
When you are restful and relaxed, I am invited to sleep.
Your thoughts are my thoughts; you and I are one.
I will never forget all your efforts for me.
You stopped drinking, you avoided cigarettes,
and you reduced your intake of the coffee that you love so much.
You fought very well against the temptation to each too much.
You took walks for me, and taught me all the beauty of your world.
All of these efforts were for me. I am so proud to call you my mother.
I feel a bit uneasy about the height of your expectations for me.
The first day you see me, how will I be welcomed?
Will my face disappoint you?
Will my body repulse you and cause you to turn away?
Will my personality cause you to sigh in exasperation?
Everything about me is a present from God and you two.
I happily accepted everything with an open heart.
Believing that as I am, I would be most loved by you.
It is only a matter of days before we finally see each other.
When I think about that day, I am filled with happiness.
Let us work together in birth.
I will be your encouragement.
I will turn as you will me to.
I will come down in your image.
I love you and trust you wholeheartedly.
It is only a matter of days until I can be held in your arms.
When I think of that day, my heart soars.
Let us work together in birth with mother.
Your gentle voice will put us at rest.
Your strong voice will give us strength.
Your warm gaze will give us encouragement.
We love you and trust you wholeheartedly.
Father, Mother — please let me call you this.
Seeing the two of you intimately loving one another,
I made the decision to come down to your world
Feeling that you would surely enrich this life of mine.
Father, Mother — I know now with conviction
That I made the right choice.