We were invited to celebrate Anna’s fourth birthday at Mobu Kids playgym in Falls Church! The girls had a blast and we loved seeing and catching up with Anna, Cara, Pat and Theo. 🙂 Thanks so much for inviting us to be a part of sweet Anna’s birthday celebration — can’t believe she is four already!
When we arrived, Mio ran right in and started climbing everything. No hesitation!
Mirei needed a little more coaxing but she eventually warmed up to the play area when I went in with her.
Circle time with the instructors
Mirei with the egg shakers
Mirei was having such a great time!
Mio playing with the egg shakers
Parachute time!
Anna and Mio with the parachute
Anna and Cara in the middle of the parachute
The girls all got to go in the middle of the parachute, while everyone else pulled the parachute around.
Lots of girls!
Mirei refused to get off so she stuck around for the boys’ turn… lol
Mirei didn’t get to wave the parachute up and down, but she definitely enjoyed the breeze from it and seeing the balls bouncing!
At one point, Mirei went under the parachute and got lost under there, which made us panic for a moment:
Dan also captured the funny moment:
Mirei running around in excitement!
Chasing after bubbles with Cara
Such cutiepies!
Mio in her element, scaling the rockwall
The kids enjoying pizza and cupcakes
M&M with their cheeks full of food
Singing “Happy Birthday” to Anna!
Mio loved the cupcake cone!
Pure bliss!
Mirei playing with the water fountain… we were surprised she climbed up on the stool herself and started pushing the button
With lovely mama Pat, one of my dearest friends. ⤠Thanks for inviting us to be a part of Anna’s birthday party! Can’t believe our girls are four… it’s been such a joy to experience motherhood at the same time with you!
It’s been pretty cold and snowy here, and Mio’s been experiencing some major cabin fever! Snow days can be fun, but between winter break, MLK Day, and snow days, Mio’s only gotten to go to preschool 3 days so far this month and she’s been bored to death at home. She keeps saying she wants to go to school! (I wish she could go to school or have makeup days, too, since it pains us parents too to pay full tuition when over half her school days are off/cancelled…)
I’ve also been stressed out because since Friday night, I’ve been experiencing what is called prodromal labor… Also called pre-labor and misnamed as “false labor,” it begins like traditional labor but does not progress to the birth of the baby. I started having strong contractions (clearly different from Braxton Hicks) at around midnight on Friday night, which grew to be 3-5 minutes apart for 3 hours. I called my OB and just as we were about to leave for the hospital, they slowed down and got weaker, and completely fizzled out around 5am, so we stayed home and I was eventually able to fall asleep. Since then, I’ve been having irregular contractions on and off almost every day — usually in the evening or at night, though none have been as consistent or as strong as they felt that first night. It can be quite stressful because I never know when it might escalate to true labor, and is exhausting because it’s depriving me of sleep (the baby gets really active each time and moves a lot, so even when the contractions stop, her movement prevents me from falling asleep). According to what I’ve read online from women who’ve experienced prodromal labor, this can continue for days or even weeks before baby actually arrives. It’s apparently not all in vain, though — these annoying contractions supposedly condition the uterus, and prepare the cervix for dilation and effacement, and oftentimes active labor will be shorter (and hopefully easier?) as a result. I didn’t experience this at all when I was pregnant with Mio, so it’s totally new and unfamiliar. It’s just frustrating to wonder “Could this be it?!” every time the contractions start… we made sure to have the hospital bag packed and ready to go at any time, and Dan’s shoveled the driveway to be clear of snow and ice in case we do have to run over to the hospital.
Here are some photos and video of Mio recently… not very exciting, since we’ve been stuck indoors, but cute all the same. 🙂
Mio helping me top homemade pizza for dinner.
Mama’s little helper.
Here’s a video of her topping the pizza: “Okay ~ Put it ON! Bounce! Bounce!” She cracks me up.
Family lunch out over the weekend… probably one of our last before baby comes!
Mio lunging for the desserts. She couldn’t wait to dig in!
Playing dressup with auntie’s accessories.
“Ready for my close-up.”
Hope everyone is staying warm in the snowy weather!
It was a beautiful couple days in the Bay Area this weekend, and we kept ourselves busy running a lot of errands while soaking up the sunshine.
We caught up with our friends April and Ed on Saturday afternoon over some Chicago-style deep dish pizza at Zachary’s on Solano. Some of the best pizza in the area!
We got the Mediterranean and the Meat Special… both delicious!
And I still can’t get over the fact that April, who is one of my closest friends from middle school back East, is now living so close by. 🙂 Hoping to hang out again soon, before I am out of commission for a while!