We’ve been lucky the past couple weeks to have some of our friends from the East Coast in the area on separate occasions — living on the other side of the country, we don’t get many opportunities to see my friends from back home, so it’s always nice when they come to visit San Francisco.

A couple weeks ago, April and Ed came to visit. April and I were close friends in middle school, and although we lost touch after we moved on to go to separate high schools and universities, she got back in touch with me right before I moved to California and she and Ed were able to make it to our wedding two years ago! April and Ed live in gorgeous Georgetown back in DC, but April just got accepted at UC Berkeley so she has decided to get her PhD there starting in the fall. They were visiting the area to see the school, so we caught up with them over dinner in Berkeley. They will both be moving to the Bay Area in August, and I’m so excited that I’ll have one of my dearest childhood friends nearby again!

April and Ed visiting Berkeley
Having dinner with April and Ed at La Med in Berkeley.

This past weekend, we got to spend a whole day on Saturday with our friends Kathleen and Carlos. I went to both middle school and high school with Kathleen, and they were in the city this weekend for a conference that Carlos was attending.We spent the day at the farmer’s market by the Ferry Building and at Pier 39 before meeting up with Greg, another one of our good high school friends who lives in the city, over dinner. Here are some pictures!

With Kathleen and Carlos at the Ferry Building
Dan and I with Kathleen and Carlos at the Ferry Building in San Francisco

Roli Roti truck at SF Farmer's Market
Enjoying some mouthwatering rotisserie chicken from the Roli Roti truck!

Dan with his cute dessert
Dan with a Scharffen Berger mini-cake from the Miette bakery. So round and cute!

Pier 39
Walked over to Fisherman's Wharf... it was a windy day at Pier 39.

Kathleen and Carlos
Kathleen and Carlos -- cute couple!

Kathleen and I
Kathleen and I at Pier 39.

the boys
The boys.

with Kathleen this time!
With a lobster at Fisherman's Wharf...

high school friends reunited!
Greg took us to dinner at Nirvana, a delicious Burmese restaurant in the Castro.

Jumbo Broiled Pagan Prawns
Jumbo Broiled Pagan Prawns

Grilled Five Spice Chicken With Lemongrass
Grilled Five Spice Chicken with Lemongrass

Kama Curry Chicken
Kama Curry Chicken

Zesty Seafood Noodles
Zesty Seafood Noodles

Tiger Prawn Noodles
Tiger Prawn Noodles

us at Hot Cookie in the Castro
After dinner, we stopped by Hot Cookie for dessert, and caught up over tea at a café in the Castro. So good seeing everyone again!

It’s always nice to see some familiar faces from back home — it makes me feel a little less homesick. I love that even though it’s been well over a decade since middle school and high school, we can still pick up right where we left off. 🙂

Whether it be here in the Bay Area or the next time we’re back in DC, I can’t wait to see more of the friends I left back East. I miss everyone so much!