Last Saturday, some of my closest high school girlfriends and I got together to celebrate two happy occasions — our dear friend Jen being back in town from Indonesia, and Debbie’s 30th birthday! We started off the afternoon with mani pedis, and then ended the evening with a potluck joined by our guys. I hadn’t seen Jen in five years (!), so it was so nice to see her again after all this time and hear about her overseas adventures, and of course I was thrilled to be there to celebrate my best friend turning 30!

Mani pedis for bestest's birthday! :)
The two guests of honor! Welcome home Jen, and happy birthday Debbie!


We got fish-y cure (pedicures with fish that nibble off your dead skin). It was my first time, and a neat experience!


Fresh pedicures!
Fresh pedicures!


Back at Juli, celebrating Debbie's birthday and Jen's homecoming with a delicious fruit tart.
Back at Juli and Brandr’s home, celebrating Debbie’s birthday and Jen’s homecoming with a delicious fruit tart.


Mio got to meet Jen for the first time... and of course, loved her!
Mio got to meet Jen for the first time… and of course, loved her!


Mio was very focused on getting a slice of the tart.
Mio was very focused on getting a slice of the tart.


Happy birthday, bestest!
Happy birthday, bestest!


Jen's homecoming potluck
I loved seeing everyone again. Thank you Juli and Brandr for hosting!