I realized recently that we didn’t have enough magnets to post things up on our fridge, but looked around and found it hard to find magnets that I really liked that weren’t expensive. (Why are magnets so expensive? They’re just magnets…) So I decided to explore my inner Martha Stewart to create my own. I did some research online and found that these handmade marble magnets are a very easy DIY project and you can customize how the magnets will look by what patterns of paper/cloth you put inside them. It seems like it’s a very common DIY project, so there are lots of tutorials for them out there, but the one I chose to follow was at Not Martha. The instructions are very thorough and come with step-by-step photos.
All you need are small round magnets (you can find them in packs), marbles that are flat on one side, circular cut-outs from patterned/illustrated paper or cloth (the most tedious part was cutting them out), silicone glue and a toothpick to help with assembly. You can find all of them at Michael’s or any other craft store, so definitely try making these yourself!
Here are the magnets that I created…