Saturday was our last full day at Outer Banks, so we drove around Cape Hatteras to explore the little attractions in the area. It was a nice way to end our weeklong stay in Hatteras.
We found this abandoned UFO-shaped building on the side of the road and had to stop and take some photos. Here is our family looking like we landed from space.
Dan and Mio by the flying saucer.
There were aliens painted in the windows…
“Mio, it’s time for you to go back where you came from…”
Next stop was the Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum.
There was a lot on the history of the Outer Banks in the museum, including information on the USS Monitor and other Civil War maritime casualties.
The original lighthouse lens of the Hatteras Lighthouse is on display in the museum.
Mio as a pirate. “Arghhh matey!”
Outside the Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum
Some cute colorful cabins on Eagle Pass Road.
Love the colors!
Dan and Mirei at Capt’n Rolos Raw Bar and Grill, where we went for lunch.
Dan got oysters, and Mirei really wanted to dig in too!
A crabcake sandwich for moi!
After lunch, we explored some gift stores in the area, and then Dan and Mio hit the beach again one last time while Mirei and I rested at the beach house. In the evening, we drove out to see our last sunset at Outer Banks.
Waiting for the sun to set.
The sun setting on our last evening at Cape Hatteras.
We took a weeklong family vacation to the Outer Banks in North Carolina at the end of June. We stayed at a beach house in Cape Hatteras, and while it’s quite a long drive down to get there, we had an enjoyable and relaxing vacation (for the most part) once we were there. The girls and I drove down with my parents and sister on Sunday, while Dan, my brother Ted, and sister-in-law Elisa joined us mid-week, arriving late Wednesday night since they didn’t want to miss as much of their work week.
The beach house – our home for the week. It was a short two minute walk away from the beach!
Going out to dinner at Pop’s Raw Bar the first evening.
Miwa enjoying the raw oysters. They were very fresh!
My crabcake sandwich was deeelicious!
Mirei and Obaachan on the patio the following day
Unfortunately, Mio woke up in the morning throwing up, and she repeatedly threw up throughout the day and couldn’t keep anything down. We think she caught some sort of a 24 hour stomach bug, because she didn’t have an appetite and was lethargic and just rested most of the day. We ended up staying inside for most of the day because I had to take care of her and she was in no condition to go out and enjoy the surroundings.
Poor Mio was sick with the stomach bug
So listless… 🙁
Mirei with Ojiichan. Fortunately, Mirei was unaffected by the stomach bug.
Poor baby. I tried to keep her hydrated with what she would take, which was ice pops and some soft rice.
My mom and I at Hatteras Landing.
My parents after doing some shopping.
The next morning, Mio was feeling a lot better and was generally back to her usual self, just with a smaller appetite. Sadly, it was not all good news as I woke up with a very uneasy stomach and proceeded to spend most of the day battling the same stomach bug and resting during our third day because I was so sick. I can’t remember the last time I had a stomach flu, but this definitely made it up there among one of the most miserable days of my life.
At least Mio was back to her cheery self!
On our fourth day (Wednesday) on vacation, we were finally all feeling better and energetic enough to go to the beach and really enjoy it! It’s really unfortunate that we spent the first half of the week cooped up inside because we were so sick.
The resident beach babe, ready to hit the beach!
So ready to go!
Mio getting held by Auntie Miwa in the ocean.
It was a beautiful day to enjoy the beach.
Such a posh baby!
Mio screamed every time a wave came in!
Walking on the beach with Obaachan (my mom)
We almost had the beach to ourselves!It was so private and nice.
The girls and I soaking up the sun!
It’s too bad our family vacation had a rough start, but I’m glad we could all recover in time for Dan and the rest of the family to arrive. Stay tuned for more of our adventures during the latter half of the trip! 🙂
Today, we spent the day with Dan’s parents and brother, driving over to Tomales Bay Oyster Company to enjoy a BBQ lunch (with no shortage of delicious oysters!), exploring the downtown area nearby, and ending the day with some fun on the beach at Point Reyes.
I’d been craving oysters since the last time we went out there and got oysters from Drakes Bay, so I was elated that we got the chance to get another oyster fix in before we leave. I think I may have eaten one too many, though, because I feel like they are swimming in my stomach now. I wonder if there are similar places by the Chesapeake where we can buy and grill oysters in Virginia…?
Dan woke Mio and I up on Saturday morning, announcing that he wanted to take us to a beach called Heart’s Desire Beach. I’d never heard of the beach before, but it sounded like such a cute name for a beach and it was a beautiful day, so we quickly packed up our beach gear and hopped in the car to embark on this surprise trip that Dan had planned for us.
The beach is in the Tomales Bay/Point Reyes area, and took us about an hour and half to drive there. We stopped by Drakes Bay Oyster Company before going to the beach, so we could pick up a bunch of oysters to grill for lunch. I’d been talking about wanting to go to Hog Island Oyster Farm, but we hadn’t been yet because it requires reservations and we weren’t sure when we’d want to go. This was a great alternative, and not as crowded of a location — we just picked up our oysters and left to go grill them at the beach.
Arriving at Drakes Bay Oyster Shack
Checking out the oysters!
We decided that for our first time shucking our own fresh oysters, it was “go big or go home” and we got a bunch of the large jumbo oysters!
Oysters in hand, we got back in the car and drove over to Heart’s Desire Beach, which was only about ten minutes from the oyster shack.
It really was called “Heart’s Desire Beach.” Such a cute name!
We immediately set up our picnic table and started the grill up, laying out oysters and corn.
Mio is so happy to finally be out of the car!
She got a hold of the lemons…
Love that smile! It just tickles me every time…
The oysters off the grill — time to shuck those suckers!
Shucking was difficult at times, but we got the hang of it!
Glorious fresh oyster, ready for the eating!
So excited to dig in.
Mio was content eating her corn… for a couple months now, she’s been able to eat it on the cob.
Thank you Dan for grilling us a delicious lunch!
After lunch, it was time for us to play on the beach… this was of course the highlight of the day for our little waterbug.
Mio filling her bucket with water. For her, playing in the water is serious business!
Dan showing Mio how to build a sand castle.
Making fun objects in the sand.
Our little family at the beach.
With our sweet little Mio…
Mio’s biggest smile on the beach came from discovering a piece of seaweed… interesting.
A video Dan took of Mio on the beach.
Drying off on the shore.
Stylin’ in her shades.
Mio had so much fun that she fell asleep for almost the entire drive back home. Thanks hubby for planning such a memorable, fun trip for us! 😀