Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful moms out there, including my own amazing mama! I never fully appreciated all her love, patience, and sacrifice until I became a mother myself. Thankful for our precious daughters who bring me more joy, challenges, and laughter than I ever imagined.
My mom with M&M. They are lucky to have two loving grandmothers in their lives. We’re grateful that they can spend so much time with my mother, and we’re excited to go see Grandma in California soon, too!
Ted & Elisa treated the whole family to a delicious Mother’s Day lunch at Kob Kun in Oakton. Everything was amazing… and the restaurant gave us this complimentary dessert!
With my sweet girls!
For me, Mirei? 🙂
Lunch was a little hectic with Mirei wreaking havoc, but it was overall a lovely Mother’s Day spent with the fam!
Hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable Mother’s Day weekend as well!
Today I wrap up my last week as a stay-at-home mom. I feel fortunate to have been one, and I will always look back on and cherish these three years that I was able to spend at home with my young daughters. I’m thankful that I had the opportunity to freelance, which granted me the flexibility to create and adjust my own hours so that I could spend more time with them. I will remember with fondness the slow-paced days we spent together. Cuddling and sleeping in. Long afternoons spent at the parks. The moments on the swing set when I would watch them swoop back and forth and realize that someday these afternoons will have seemed to have flown past in a blink of an eye… and I would pause mid-push to savor the experience while it lasted.
This past week, I’ve felt a sense of mourning and have cried many tears as I bring this chapter of my life to a close. It feels like I’m saying goodbye to my girls, even though I’ll still see them every day, but just for much less hours. But I made the decision to go back into the workforce full-time for my career, sanity, and better financial security as a family. I’m not really well-suited to be a stay-at-home-parent, and while I probably realized that a long time ago, it took me a few years to be able to admit it and be at peace with it. I so wanted to be the super SAHM that could fill their kids’ days with fun activities, playdates, learning and lessons, and be able to relish and love every second of it. I certainly made the effort, and there were plenty of times that I loved being able to spend so much time with them and watch them grow. But there have always been worries and doubts plaguing the back of my head, as well as a longing to have more time to focus and dedicate to myself and career. Perhaps someday, I will be able to find a better balance so that I can still enjoy more time with our daughters as they grow, but for now I will hope they get a lot of social interaction at their daycare and make more of an effort to be present, patient, and appreciative of the time I spend with them on the evenings and on weekends. They grow up so fast and time passes by so quickly, whether I am at home with them or working, so I just have to do my best to cherish every minute.
I’ll close this week with some photos and videos I took of the girls when I took them to the park this week…
Mio says she’s “over the rainbow”
seesaw buddies!
Mirei on the playground. She can climb up the steps and go almost everywhere Mio goes!
On the swingset at Borge Street Park:
Mulch-loving Mirei!
Mirei climbing the playground:
Mio playing picnic with her dolls
She loves her Beanie babies!
Lining up her Hello Kitties and Ollie the octopus
She has grown up so much in the three years I’ve spent at home with her.
Showing me a grownup smile 🙂
I’m experiencing the gamut of mixed emotions right now, but I’m excited to start my new job on Monday and am hoping for a smooth transition for all of us.
This morning, we took Mio to the local community Easter egg hunt in the lawn of the Freeman House in Old Town Vienna. There were a lot of kids there, and Mio had fun partaking in some of the Easter festivities!
Easter egg hunting!
While a lot of the kids were trying to quickly collect as many eggs as possible, Mio was slowly taking her time… I think she was still a little sleepy as the egg hunt was in the morning.
Mio with her friend Junna-chan
Mirei getting a photo with the Easter bunny.
As for big sister… the Santa Claus effect happened once again. ::sigh::
The weather was BEAUTIFUL today. The sun’s shining, the flowers are blooming… spring is finally here!
Getting a photo with Mirei by the flowers.
With both of my sweet girls!
Mirei looking about.
They also had a moonbounce, craft activities, and an egg roll!
After the Easter events, we headed over to the farmer’s market in Oakton. It was a pretty small market and not quite like the ones we’re used to from living in California, but they still had some delicious offerings, including some homemade tropical fruit punch and the most amazing cilantro hummus that we picked up.
Applesauce and pickled goods at the farmer’s market…
I love them. ♥ Today was such a beautiful and happy day!
Instead of hitting the malls and going shopping on Black Friday, we spent the day meeting up with friends who were in the area! It was food-and-fun-filled holiday weekend — this is what the holidays are all about! 😀
Lunch date with Akiho at Sushi Yoshi. She has just finished her PhD and is now a licensed psychologist!
We met up with Aiko, my friend of 25 years, and her husband Anthony. They were visiting from Boston and got to meet Mio for the first time.
Hanging out at the park. I’ve known Aiko since we were 5 – I can’t believe how much time has passed since then!
Later in the evening, we went to Honey Pig in Centreville to celebrate Liz’s birthday!
With the birthday girl!
It was our first time seeing newlyweds Luice and Jeremy since they tied the knot in August. They’re the cutest couple!
Dan and Mio chowing down
So much good food!
On Saturday, Mio had a playdate with Joelle and Clara. Here are the cuties together!
And I shall conclude with our adorable burrito Mio!
Today, we went to nearby Borge Street Park for a couple hours as a little family outing and to give Mio some time to play on the playground to her heart’s content. As usual, as soon as she saw the playground when she got out of the car, she squealed in delight and ran towards it!
I mentioned before that Mio is getting more affectionate these days, and we caught one of such sweet moments on video! Here she is, giving a kiss to Daddy and then blowing Mama a kiss.
Mio with her “Dadoo.” Definitely a Daddy’s girl…
On the big girl swing with mama. She squeals “whee!” while she swings! 🙂