We’ve been trying to find ways to keep Mio entertained indoors during the cold winter days when it’s too chilly to play outside. Last week my sister Miwa, fresh off her fall semester, planned and set up a tea party for Mio in her nursery! It was so sweet and magical. Here are some pictures.
My sister Miwa setting up for the party.
The delicious spread
A mini teacup for Mio! The play teacup set was a birthday gift for Mio earlier this year from our dear friends Sonya & Sofia. 🙂
All of Mio’s friends came!
My sister had even made invitations for Mio and I that she delivered the night before.
Mio handing Miwa the invitation to enter the party.
Mio was in awe upon arriving at her party.
Mio was the guest of honor, and she knew exactly where to sit without being told.
Taking everything in.
Dressed in a blue dress, she was our very own little Alice in Wonderland.
Toasting with Auntie Miwa. Mio loves doing “cheers!” so we must have clinked teacups 30 times or so during the tea party.
Sipping (or rather, chugging?) her tea.
Mio stirring the tea.
She insisted on making sure all her friends had some tea, too…
…and that they were well fed. 😉
Mio loved the party so much, she gave me a kiss!
My little sweetheart. I’m so glad she had such a fun time!
Of course, the actual one to thank was Miwa, who orchestrated everything and made it such a lovely afternoon for all of us! Thank you Miwa ♥
Mio seemed to really love the tea party, and it seemed like she knew she had to be proper and well-mannered during such an occasion, because she was on her best behavior! We’ll definitely have to do one again now that we know how much she enjoys it…. 🙂
I wrote last November about how I wanted to create a Classic Pooh-themed nursery for baby Mio, and realized I never posted photos of the finished nursery! Unfortunately, since we rent and don’t own our place, we couldn’t paint the room nor use decals that could potentially damage the walls. But we did our best with the space we had, and the framed Classic Pooh prints that were given to us from our baby shower ended up being the perfect alternative to wall decals! (Thank you Megumi and Sam! ♥)
The finished crib!
...yet to be slept in, since Mio still sleeps in her bassinet.
The mobile we borrowed from the Bowlings. 🙂
Sleep Sheep, a gift from Pat and Theo! 🙂
Classic Pooh crib bedding... love the print on the sheets and the crib bumper!
Our changing table and dresser combo.
Where the dirty business happens.
The diaper organizer, where clean diapers go...
...and the diaper pail, where dirty diapers go. (We got the Munchkin one that uses baking soda to keep odors to a minimum!)
You can never have enough burp cloths and wash towels...
Inside the dresser, I have Mio's baby clothes rolled, layered, and organized by size. (I have to put away the newborn sizes now though...)
Sleepwear, bath towels, and accessories.
Apparently, you can never have enough blankets either!
Mio's little laundry hamper... We end up doing her laundry more often than ours!
Classic Pooh prints from our baby shower, courtesy of Megumi and Sam.
We hung them above the changing table... I love the subtle colors and the Classic Pooh illustrations are simply adorable!
Bathtime toiletries and some baby gifts...
Mio's cradle swing, which helps Mommy rest her arms once in a while...
Mio asleep in her bassinet. We're thinking of transitioning her to the crib soon....
This concludes the tour of Mio’s little nursery. I’m so glad we were able to fit everything in! (I can’t believe how much stuff babies need.) There’s so much more I would have liked to do had we had more space and creative freedom, but all things considered, I’m pretty content with the finished nursery!
I’m back home early from work today, since it was a half day for our studio. I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving dinner at Dan’s parents’ house tomorrow and the four-day weekend… a much-needed respite from staring at code all day. Back when I lived in Virginia, my mom put me in charge of cooking the turkey every year (since she didn’t know how), but since moving here, I’ve just been making pies for dessert to bring over, since Dan’s mom and sister handle the turkey and all the side dishes. I wonder how my mom has been managing cooking the turkey by herself the past couple years….
Dan and I are considering braving the shopping crowds on Black Friday to hit some of the baby stores for some nursery items. Some of our friends have asked us what our nursery theme is going to be — I’ve had my heart set (before I knew the gender… actually, before I even got pregnant) on decorating my future child’s nursery in Classic Pooh! I adore the lovely, hand-drawn style of the older Winnie the Pooh drawings (but not so much the modern Pooh you see everywhere). My nickname as a toddler was “Piglet” because of my button nose, so I think I’ve had an affinity to Pooh instilled in me from a young age.
Right now, we don’t have a whole room to dedicate to the nursery, so we’ll likely be converting half of our office into the “nursery.” Since we’re renting, we can’t really paint or wallpaper the room, but there are some cute Classic Pooh wall decals and prints out there that we’re thinking of decorating with. 🙂
Some of the Classic Pooh nurseries I found online for inspiration are so precious, though… if only we had more space!
I’m trying to resist the urge to go super princess-y and pink with the nursery decor, but it’s difficult once you know you’re having a girl! I just want to put ruffles and lace on everything… haha* I jumped the gun and bought this Classic Pooh crib bedding set as soon as we found out we were having a girl:
We got the matching dust ruffle crib skirt, too:
Our main objective on Friday is to find a good crib! We bought a bassinet (below) a couple months ago that we plan to use for the baby during the first few months (before it starts being able to crawl) so that we can have the baby next to our bed in the bedroom with us, but we’ll need a crib after that.
That said, since we have the bassinet, we still have time before finding the perfect crib, so if we can’t find any good deals, we may wait until later…. We shall see!