Mirei’s been growing so fast in the last month… she’s able to do so much: standing without support, cruising, eating puffs and other non-puréed finger foods, and more! She always wants to be part of the action, whether it be playtime or eating what everyone else is eating! Here are a bunch of videos from the past month…

Mastering standing…


Playing with the toy play table:


Crawl attack!


Eating puffs for the first time!


Trying miso soup for the first time, from a straw:


More standing:


Playing with a hairbrush:


Auntie Miwa fed her some takoyaki (a piece without octopus) for the first time, and she loved it.


She loved playing under the tent that Dan made with the bedsheets!


Mirei’s making our heads spin with how fast she’s growing! Sometimes we wish she would slow down a little… I feel like she’s already quickly graduating from her baby days!