Mirei loves when we sing her lullabies.
Some more videos from this past week…
…and one of big sister’s interpretive dancing:
Mirei loves when we sing her lullabies.
Some more videos from this past week…
…and one of big sister’s interpretive dancing:
Mirei was hanging out on the playmat the other day when Mio came over and laid down next to her to play with the dangling toys. I captured some cute photos of the sisters together!
I’ve been taking everyday videos of the girls here and there this past week, so here’s another slew of videos of M&M!
Happy two months, Mirei! Here are some pictures that we took of you this morning — you’ve grown so much!
(I’ll be taking photos of Mirei sitting in my white desk chair and wearing her monthly onesie every month until she’s one year old.)
Previous Photos:
One Month Old
Stats: You are definitely gaining weight these days, as you’ve gotten noticeably heavier! We haven’t had a chance to weigh you precisely, but according to our scale at home, you weight almost 15 lbs now… close to double your birth weight! Everyone comments on how much chubbier you’ve gotten, especially in the face — we love those chubby cheeks!
Things You’re Doing Now: You’ve started to make more eye contact with us, which shows that you’re starting to be able to see a little more clearly. In the past week, you’ve started to occasionally flash us a quick smile here and there while you look at us, but they are always fleeting. I haven’t had you do a lot of tummy time yet, but you already have so much neck strength and are always lifting your head up and craning your neck this way and that over my shoulder when I am holding you upright. You tend to be very sleepy and quiet during the daytime, but are most awake and often irritable in the evenings, after your big sister has gone to bed. This before-bedtime fussiness can be stressful for us, but since around six weeks old, you’ve been sleeping 5-7 hours most nights, which is pretty amazing — we feel more rested now that you’re sleeping through the night so early in life! You seem to be more calm during your baths now, especially when Daddy bathes you. You love being held and cuddled more than anything, so we try to oblige as much as possible! 🙂
On Sunday, we went as a family to our very first Maker Faire! Dan’s hobby drone group was participating and attending, and he took us along to join in all the geeky fun! Maker Faires are part science fair, part craft fair, and showcases creations by designers and engineers of all ages, and the purpose is to inspire more creations within the community. I remember when we were living back in the Bay Area, we had considered going to the Bay Area Maker Faire in San Mateo (which is of course much larger, as it is where the Maker Faire started in 2006 and is one of the flagship faires) a couple times but always somehow couldn’t make it due to scheduling conflicts. This year was Northern Virginia’s first official Mini Maker Faire, and was held at South Lakes High School and Langston Hughes School in Reston. Despite being a “Mini” Maker Faire, it attracted 5,000 attendees that preregistered, and they estimated about 3,000 more registered at the door — it was really crowded! We’re really glad we went to check it out this year – it’s so valuable to expose children to creativity and science from a young age, and show them all the ways people are harnessing technology and their creative minds in exciting and fun new projects.
There were also a lot of booths with craft activities available for younger children. Mio and I spent a lot of time at them while Dan walked around with Mirei checking out the booths with more serious exhibits.
There were some food trucks at the event, so that people could grab food to eat while at the Faire.
The Maker Faire was interesting and educational fun for everyone! (Well, maybe with the exception of Mirei, who was sleeping the whole time.) We might make it an annual tradition to go, since it’s enjoyable for the whole family and the girls will probably enjoy it more and more as they grow older.