The weather was beautiful last weekend, and on Sunday we took the girls to Nottoway Park to fly our kite and have them play on the playground and in the field. It was nice to get out and enjoy the fresh air!
The sisters looking at each other.
This shot is a bit overexposed but had to include Mirei’s cute smile!
She’s becoming quite the chubster!
Dan and Mio flying the kite.
The wind was not ideal, but better than the first time we tried to fly it in the backyard.
Mio running with the kite!
Good job, Mio!
Mirei’s first time on the swing at the playground! She seemed to enjoy it, but was definitely very focused on watching big sister swinging next to her.
Mirei and I swinging together.
As always, Mio loved the swing.
Now that the warm weather is here to stay, I’m looking forward to taking the girls out more often! 🙂
Today, we attended Miwa’s graduation ceremony at George Mason University’s Patriot Center! She had her department graduation ceremony on Wednesday evening, and this ceremony on Saturday morning was for all the graduates of spring 2014.
The girls and I waiting for the commencement ceremony to begin.
The graduates entering…
Mirei in the Ergo Baby, looking up at me. She was well-behaved and quiet during most of the ceremony!
Mio also did pretty well, though she did start getting restless halfway in.
It took us a while to figure out exactly where Miwa was… can you spot her?
Found her!
Over 7,000 graduates!
Mirei looking rather grumpy… thankfully Daddy did a great job calming her.
Congratulations to all the graduates of 2014!
Group picture after going out to lunch to celebrate Miwa’s graduation.
Mio and Obaachan. I realized we actually have few photos of Mio with my parents… have to remember to take more!
Congratulations, Miwa! Can’t believe my baby sister is now a college graduate — so proud of her! ♥
Some snapshots and video of the girls from this past week…
Here’s Mirei at 15 weeks old.
Having some quiet time alone with Mama on the mornings Mio is at preschool.
Mio has a tendency lately to just fall asleep wherever she is playing. She refuses to willingly take naps, but still gets tired so often drifts off to sleep mid-activity. Here she is asleep nearby the shoe rack…
Mirei in a milk coma
Mio came over after bathtime like this and said “Boo!” to me.
Dan playing patty-cake with Mirei the other night…
Sisters hanging out on the bed. Both look extra chubby from this angle! lol
Mirei in her crib
Mio trying on a Minnie Mouse costume she received as a birthday present.
She LOVES Minnie Mouse right now, so she was so happy to match her doll!
Thank you Maya & the Beltrami family!
Nan Young brought Gianna and Abram over for a playdate on Thursday. Here are the kids looking at earthworms in the backyard before it started thunderstorming.
Dr. Gianna examining baby Mirei. “Good girl, you didn’t cry when I gave you the shot!” I loved listening to her — so funny and cute!
Mio suddenly looks so grown up in this photo! Please don’t grow up too fast…
Sunday was my first Mother’s Day as mommy to two girls! With Mirei coming into our lives this year, I felt twice as lucky to get to be a mama to our precious daughters. It actually turned out to be a really relaxing, lovely day… the girls were both happy and sweet all day, there was no crying from either of them, and it was so peaceful and just perfect — a rarity when you’re a parent of two! If only every day could be like this!
The girls and I at lunch with the rest of our family (we went to pho to celebrate both my mom and I).
First Mother’s Day as a mom of 2!
Love these girls ♥
In the afternoon, Dan really wanted to take Mio back to the pool because she’s been talking about it for a while, and my sister volunteered to watch Mirei while we took Mio. Mio really enjoyed feeling like an only child again and getting all the attention from both Mommy and Daddy! She was so over-the-moon-happy that at one point she started enthusiastically hugging and kissing both of us, saying “I love you Mommy! I love you Daddy!” (which she rarely says unless we say it first). It was such a sweet moment and really made my Mother’s Day! I know adjusting to sharing our attention with Mirei has not been easy for Mio, so I’m glad that we could finally give her some much-needed one-on-one time with us.
A happy Mio at the pool!
Watching some of the other kids.
In the whirlpool area with me.
Mio’s good mood continued on through dinnertime, when we picked up Mirei and went out to get some Burmese food. Mirei slept through the whole dinner, and these words were on repeat from Mio’s mouth. (It’s funny because she almost looks intoxicated and woozy from all the happiness she felt that day!)
It really was just the perfect day… This may have been my favorite Mother’s Day yet! 🙂
The Mosaic District in Merrifield was hosting a Mother’s Day party for mamas and their kids on Sunday, May 4, a week before actual Mother’s Day. You could sign up/apply to be invited, and they chose their invitees by lottery. Luckily, we scored an invitation so I decided to go with Mio while Dan took Mirei with him to go shopping and run errands.
Mio hanging out at the party.
We weren’t told a lot about the party except the location and that there’d be refreshments, Zumba, and a photobooth. I was most excited about the refreshments, least excited about the Zumba. haha* I guess I have this perception that Zumba is for older ladies in their 40s and 50s (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, and no offense to those who do it) plus the prospect of dancing in public on the lawn was pretty embarrassing to me! But I stepped out of my comfort zone so that Mio and I could enjoy the party together. And sure enough, Mio had a grand time dancing — a lot of the time, she was just doing her own dance moves, but there were definitely times when she was actually following the instructor’s moves!
Mio doing Zumba.
Little Zumba dancer.
Some video that I took of Mio:
This photo is from Mosaic District’s Instagram and precisely the kind of thing I was worried about — that there’d be a photo of me awkwardly dancing out on the world wide web. BUT it cracked me up to spot Mio right next to me, passionately doing her little dance moves (just in the opposite direction of everyone else). hahahaha*
After a half hour of Zumba, we were free to go hang out by the photobooth and enjoy the refreshments. Here are the photos of Mio and I from the photobooth.
They had this chalkboard up for the kids to write/draw about their mommies.
Some of the refreshments for moms and their kiddos.
Free lunch of sandwiches and wraps for everyone!
The sandwiches were delicious and worth the embarrassment I had just suffered.
Mio loved the food, too!
Dan came to join us after finishing his errands and got to enjoy some of the free food, too!
The weather was so beautiful, and it was so nice to enjoy lunch outdoors.
Thank you Mio for making me such a lucky Mama!
Can’t forget Mirei! I’m twice as lucky this year.
And of course, Daddy gets some love too.
Sunday also just happened to be the grand opening of Mosaic District’s Farmer’s Market, so we decided to check it out after the party. There were a lot of vendors with gourmet offerings!
Nicecream factory’s liquid nitrogen ice cream: they make and freeze the ice cream right there in front of your eyes!
The flavors all sounded amazing. We really enjoyed the chocolate sea salt ice cream!
Dan picked up a chocolate cherry tomato plant to add to his edible garden.
Runaway sisters! Mio kept pushing Mirei’s stroller everywhere at the market.
Afterwards, we headed over to our friend’s baby shower over in Maryland. It was a very eventful and fun-filled day!