Christmas Eve Photos
On Christmas Eve, I dressed up the girls in matching dresses (thanks to my cousin Yuko!) to take some cute photos of them together. It didn’t quite go as planned, with two wild and rambunctious little girls who refused to stand still — they turned out more comical than picture-perfect!

Hearts Full of Joy & Laughter
With the holiday season comes so much joy and laughter, and this month was definitely full of funny and sweet moments brought to us by our little girls! Here are some moments that brought smiles (and at times, uncontainable laughter) to our faces!
Mio making funny voices, trying to imitate Minnie Mouse:
The girls listening to the talking Mother Goose doll sent to them from their grandparents in California:
Mirei climbed into a cardboard box, we turned it into a makeshift bed… and it did not end well.
Mio randomly said this repeatedly one night…
Who is “John”?! We actually don’t know any Johns…?
Mio reading the library book we had borrowed for Mirei. She still loves baby books, and she’s still my baby. ♥
We hope these silly and heartwarming moments bring you some holiday cheer! Can’t believe it’s already Christmas tomorrow!
Dan’s 32nd Birthday
Dan’s birthday was on the 13th, and he turned 32 years old! At his request, we just had a quiet celebration at home (you can’t really go wild for your birthday with two little ones at home anyway!) with Thai takeout and BonChon chicken, and his favorite cheesecake for dessert.
The next day, we went out to enjoy all-you-can-eat crabs as an extended birthday celebration for Dan. My sister and dad came along, since they also love crabs!
“Mi” Club (Mirei not pictured)
Happy birthday to a husband and father who fills our lives with immeasurable joy. We love you Dan! ♥
Pictures with Santa
We got a decent photo with Santa this year! We had only taken Mio to see Santa Claus once before two years ago, and that didn’t end well. We just skipped it last year because she didn’t seem crazy about Santa then either, but this year she has actually been talking about him a lot, maybe because preschool has been hyping him up and partially because she’s able to grasp the idea of him a little better at this age. She’s had only one thing on her Christmas wish list this year (“pink octopus”, a Beanie Baby octopus she saw in a store a couple months ago), and she was determined to tell Santa in person to be certain he knew what to bring her for Christmas. This was Mirei’s first time meeting Santa Claus, of course, and she handled it surprisingly well!
When Mio spotted Santa, she dashed to him, yelling “I WANT PINK OCTOPUS FOR CHRISTMAS!” but I guess he hadn’t planned on having any further conversation with him, so once he sat her on his lap and asked her more questions, she was silent, looking slightly uncomfortable and awkward…
Well, I’m glad that we got at least one photo of Mio smiling with Santa, and although Mirei just looks kind of startled, at least she’s not in tears the way big sister was the first time meeting him!