Mio’s last day at preschool is April 10 (since we’re moving her to a full-day daycare), and she had a birthday celebration on April 8, the first day back from spring break. It was bittersweet because it was like a birthday party and farewell party in one! Her teachers and classmates all told her they’d miss her very much and were sad to have to say goodbye.

Mio couldn’t contain her excitement while we were baking the cookies:

At preschool, parents are allowed to bring a birthday treat and a book to read to the class on their child’s birthday. I chose Me… Jane by Patrick McDonnell, which is one of Mio’s favorites, and it seems like the class enjoyed it, too!

Mio has also said she’ll miss her preschool and her teachers and friends there, but she’s also expressed excitement about her new daycare! We’ve had a great two years at the preschool, and are so thankful for all the wonderful teachers and classmates there that have made it such a great experience for Mio and our family.