Dan and I pulled out our ice cream maker on Monday to try making some home-churned Earl Grey lavender ice cream. I was craving Ici’s Earl Grey-flavored ice cream, and thought, “why not make it ourselves?” It turned out delicious — we’ll definitely be making it again!

home-churned Earl Grey lavender ice cream


with sprigs of lavender
with sprigs of lavender


It was gone within a couple minutes!
It was gone within a couple minutes!


We used to make gelato, sorbet and ice cream all the time when we first got this ice cream maker three years ago while we were living in Berkeley. I found a few pictures of some of our creations from back then… can’t wait to try making them again!

making chocolate hazelnut gelato
Chocolate hazelnut gelato... this was one of our favorites!


chocolate hazelnut gelato
I had a whole bunch of unused Chinese takeout-style paper containers left over from a design project at the time, and they were perfect for storing our frozen creations. We'd have 5 - 6 flavors at a time in the freezer!


kiwi, strawberry, orange, and cantaloupe
I especially loved making sorbet -- here's a bowl with four flavors of sorbet I had made at the time: kiwi, strawberry, orange, and cantaloupe! Like I said, we went on bit of a sorbet-making spree at the time...


Since having Mio, we got a little lazy and our ice cream maker didn’t get to see much use, but as summer approaches, we hope to pull it more often again! πŸ˜€