It’s officially “Celebrity Doppelgänger Week” on Facebook — the latest craze to hit Facebook is to change your profile picture to the celebrity you most likely resemble. I wanted to get in on it, but unfortunately, I’ve never really been told I look like anyone. I can, however, come up with some for the people around me. Take my sister, for example: whenever I introduce her to my Japanese friends, most of them tell me she looks like Japanese idol/singer/actress Aya Ueto. The ducky-faced smile is strikingly similar:

And the hubby! I’ve heard various aesthetic comparisons of Dan to celebrities, both American and Japanese. Here are a few….

One is Japanese actor Kotaro Koizumi (å°æ³‰ å太郎), who also happens to be the son of former Japanese prime minister Junichiro Koizumi. I’m not so sure about this one, but a few Japanese friends have pointed it out. I think it’s mostly in the eyes (and the undereye folds) as well as the mouth area.

Another one that is commonly pointed out is Kanjani8’s Yu Yokoyama. I sort of the see the resemblance here — again, it’s in the eyes and the mouth. Yu Yokoyama is more of a comedian than an idol in my mind, so this comparison always makes me laugh.

Someone recently mentioned that Dan looks a lot like American comedian Steve Byrne. Steve Byrne is half Irish American and half Korean, so maybe the hapa common factor is what is at work here. I’m not sure how close the resemblance is, but I can say that Steve sure is a cutie! 😉

Oh! And we cannot forget the number one actor that Dan gets compared to. Drumroll please!

Whether or not the comparison is accurate, there’s a funny story associated with it. When Dan and I first started seeing each other, he brought this topic up with me, thinking that it would likely impress me. Here’s a summary of how it went:
Dan: You know, people have often told me I look like Keanu Reeves. (::silly grin::)
Misono: Eww, I hate Keanu Reeves. Worst actor ever.
Dan: (::smile quickly disappearing::) …Never mind.
So since then, Dan has not exactly been thrilled when people tell him he looks like Keanu Reeves, but I suppose there must be something there, since he gets it so often. I don’t really see it besides the faceshape and maybe the hair… and again, the part Asian ethnicity factor.
I actually submitted a photo of Dan to one of those celebrity look-alike generators and here is what it gave me.
Totally different results! Nicholas Tse? Chow Yun-Fat? And Shania Twain — interesting. I like how Dan also has a 56% resemblance to that terrifyingly creepy kid from the horror movie Godsend. Hmm….