Day Nine was the last day of our vacation in Hawaii! :'(  This was actually the only day that we didn’t have anything concrete planned, so we winged it. It was nice to just relax and drive around without a real itinerary for once. 🙂

For breakfast, we stopped by Sweet Marie’s, a gluten-free bakery in Kapaa. We just randomly found it and decided to eat there, but it ended up being really good! We recommend. 🙂

Breakfast at Sweet Marie's!
Breakfast at Sweet Marie's!

gluten-free muffin and vegan cookie
Gluten-free muffin and vegan cookie. The cookie was especially delicious! Who knew vegan cookies could be so yum?

Leave it to me to procrastinate on my souvenir shopping… Thankfully, the Kauai Products Fair on the East Shore had some really nice goodies — this is where we did the bulk of our souvenir shopping for my family. 🙂

At the East Shore Kauai Products Fair
The Kauai Products Fair on the East Shore

I loved these frogs!
I loved these frogs! They made such cool sounds, so I got a bunch of the smaller ones as gifts. I really wanted to get a large one for my grandfather who makes bamboo carvings, but I had no room in my luggage for it.

interesting doll
An interesting doll we found at the products fair. Looks like something my brother Ted would like.

Upon completing our souvenir shopping, we went onto get shaved ice. (Yes, again!) This would be the last time we’d get shaved ice in Hawaii. :'(  We went to Ono Ono Shave Ice.

Look at all the flavors!
At Ono Ono Shave Ice in Kapaa. Look at all the flavors!

Dan's shaved ice
Dan's shaved ice: banana + guava.

green tea + lychee
I got the "Zen Break": green tea + lychee. Such a great combination!

In the early afternoon, we returned to the Coconut Marketplace (which is right by our hotel) and watched a free hula show. One of the girls who was performing had been at a fruit stand we went to the previous day, and had urged us to stop by to watch her perform.

hula girls
Free hula show at the Coconut Marketplace. These girls were adorable!

The female singer whose songs the girls were dancing to sang the famous Israel Kamakawiwo’ole version of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” It was so pretty of it, I took a video to capture the audio:

Tahitian dance
The girls performing a Tahitian dance.

us with the talented ladies!
We were able to get a picture with these very talented ladies!

Dan bought me a lei!
The dancers' mothers were selling handmade leis to fundraise for the girls' costumes, so Dan bought me a lei to support them.

We were pretty hungry after the hula show, so we drove over to The Fish Express in Lihue for a late lunch/afternoon snack. Dan’s coworker had recommended the place for their good poke.

arriving at The Fish Express
The Fish Express storefront.

I wanted to get everything
So many varieties of poke! I wanted to get everything.

Can't wait to dig in!
We got a whole bunch of stuff for only about $11.60! We couldn't wait to dig in, so we ate in the car.

This was the best poke ever!
This was seriously hands-down the best poke I've ever had! Perfectly flavored.

Ocean salad. So good!!!
Ocean salad. This was also amazing.

kimchee shrimp poke
Kimchee shrimp poke. I am drooling just remembering it.

I'm so excited!
I'm so excited about all the food we got at The Fish Express!

In heaven.
You can see the effect the poke had on me.

The Fish Express is definitely a place you must go if you’re in Kaua’i and love raw fish like us! My only regret was not going to this place sooner. I would have been totally content with having poke from there  every day we were in Kaua’i.

One of the better known places in Kaua’i that we had not been to yet was Poipu Beach, so we drove down to Poipu once our stomachs were stuffed with poke fabulousness.

Arriving at Poipu Beach
The sign at Poipu Beach.

Hawaiian monk seal.
A beached Hawaiian Monk Seal. Don't worry, it's not dead - just lazily sunbathing.

I felt like Moses with the sea parting.
Poipu has a strip of the beach which extends down the middle, and the waves come in from either side and meet, and then retract again. I felt like Moses parting the sea; so powerful!

Dan walking further down
Dan walking further down the beach strip, where there's lava rock.

me at Poipu Beach
Me at gorgeous Poipu Beach!

We found a sea cucumber
Dan found a sea cucumber... for some reason, he is really good at finding these slimy things.

walking on the lava rock
Walking on lava rock at Poipu.

The waves crashing behind me
Against the ocean at Poipu Beach.

An even bigger splash!
The waves were really crashing against the rocks!

Never before have I seen a rooster on the beach!
Never before have I seen a rooster on the beach!

Dan and I at Poipu
Dan and I at Poipu Beach.

We had time to stop by one more location before having to grab dinner and head towards the airport, so we drove over to the nearby Wailua Falls.

A double waterfall
Wailua Falls

With the video, you can sort of see a more accurate view of how the falls looked from our vantage point. We even caught a rainbow on camera. 🙂

So glad we got to see it before we left!
Double waterfalls... too bad there was no double rainbow there, too!

Base of Wailua Falls
The pool of water at the base of Wailua Falls.

For dinner, we decided to eat near the airport at the Japanese restaurant Kintaro.

Dan with his sushi
Eating dinner at Kintaro Japanese restaurant.

soba from Kintaro
My soba from Kintaro.

tempura from Kintaro
Tempura to go with the soba.

sushi from Kintaro
Great sushi!

Our last meal in Kaua'i... so sad!
Our last meal in Kaua'i... so sad!

I don't want to leave yet! :(
I don't want to leave! :'( ::sniffle::

But alas, we had to leave. After dinner, we promptly returned our rental car and dragged ourselves to the airport to catch our flight. The lines for check-in and for the security check were heinous… it seemed like half the island was flying to LA! But after all the waiting and stress, we were able to safely board our plane. The journey back to San Francisco was anything but fun, since it was an overnight flight and I was freezing the whole time in the overly air-conditioned cabin. I barely got any sleep! We arrived at Los Angeles International Airport early in the morning, where we had a three-hour layover. Not fun! 🙁

freezing at our transfer in LAX
Freezing and sleep-deprived at our layover in LAX. I knew it was a bad idea to return to the mainland...

We were surprised to find many more beached creatures lying around in LAX than on the beaches of Hawaii.
We were surprised to find many more beached creatures lying around in LAX than on the beaches of Hawaii.

But eventually, we boarded our one-hour flight from LAX to SFO, and were able to get home safe and sound. It’s only been a month since we’ve gotten back, but I miss our time in Hawaii a lot. There’s still a lot I’d like to see if and when we ever go back, and I’d like to check out the other islands of Maui and Big Island someday, too.

Thank you to all of our friends who gave us recommendations on places to go, sights to see, and foods to eat! Our trip wouldn’t have been nearly as memorable if it weren’t for you!