On Day 7, our first full day in Kaua’i, we woke up at dark o’clock to drive over to Eleele, where we boarded a catamaran for a seven-hour tour that would take us up the Na Pali Coast and to see Niihau Island. Neither of us is a morning person, but we fought our sleepiness and embarked on the boat, banking on the promise that we would see some of the most stunning views of the island of Kaua’i.

Here comes the sun!
Here comes the sun!

leaving the dock
Leaving the dock.

They were watching dolphins!
We came across a small raft, that happened to be dolphin watching!

spinner dolphin flipping about
Spinner dolphin flipping about.

swimming in pairs
Dolphins swimming right in front of our boat!

Super cute!
They were super cute! I don't think I've ever seen dolphins so up close!

cliffs along the Na Pali Coast
We sped up and soon approached the Na Pali Coast...

an amazing view
We were greeted by an amazing view.

The Na Pali Coast
The beautiful Na Pali Coast

This is what paradise looks like....

Looks like something from a movie.
Towering mountains over a lush valley.

You can only reach this area by boat
Steep mountains... this area of the Na Pali Coast is only accessible by boat or helicopter.

Honopu Arch
The Honopu Arch, where they filmed the movie Six Days Seven Nights

More majestic views of the Na Pali Coast

Na Pali Coast against a blue sky
Na Pali Coast against a clear blue sky.

Dan and I at the Na Pali Coast
Dan and I at the Na Pali Coast

The Keyhole
An amazing rock formation called The Keyhole.

a truly majestic view
Closeup of the natural bridge...

Dan and I at the Keyhole
The hubby and I by the Keyhole!

Niihau Island in the distance
Niihau Island in the distance

Niihau Island
Approaching Niihau Island, a privately owned island known as the "Forbidden Isle" because it is off-limits to the general public.

The catamaran parked itself near Niihau Island, where passengers got the opportunity to go snorkeling for an hour before lunch. Here are some nice underwater shots that Dan took while snorkeling!

snorkeling at Niihau
Fish in blue waters.

snorkeling at Niihau
Uni! A sea urchin.

snorkeling at Niihau
So many fish!

snorkeling at Niihau
Closeup of a fish.

snorkeling at Niihau
Underwater coral.

snorkeling at Niihau
Trenches by Niihau Island.

snorkeling at Niihau
Underwater life.

Here’s some video footage that Dan took with my camera while snorkeling…

catamaran drivers
The crew was super nice. Thank you Holo Holo Charters!

After snorkeling and lunch, it was time to head back to Kaua’i. The crew purposely gave us a very bumpy and exhilarating ride back! You can see more photos from the Na Pali Coast and Niihau Island in this photo album. If you are ever in Kaua’i and are considering a catamaran trip to see the Na Pali Coast, we really recommend Holo Holo Charters! They had top notch service and were really knowledgeable and skilled, and very personable, too! 🙂

When we got back to land, it was still the early afternoon, so we had plenty more things to do and places to see…

Port Allen
Dan before leaving Port Allen.

Jo Jo’s Shave Ice was strongly recommended as the best shaved ice in Kaua’i, so we stopped by while we were in Waimea.

Jo-Jo's Shave Ice
Jo Jo's Shave Ice in Waimea

strawberry + guava + melon

Jo-Jo's storefront
Jo Jo's storefront

Dan enjoying his macnut shave ice!
Dan enjoying his macnut shave ice!

Jo Jo’s Shave Ice was really good and was very refreshing, especially on a hot day! I personally still liked Waiola from Oahu better, but Jo Jo’s was definitely the best shaved ice we had in Kaua’i. (And we got shaved ice pretty much every day while we were on Kaua’i… haha* It was so hot there!)

A river running through the Kaua'i landscape.
A river running through the Kaua'i landscape.

epic photo of Dan
An epic photo of Dan.

After making our way through winding dirt roads for over half an hour, we finally reached our destination in Waimea: The Waimea Canyon!

arriving at Waimea Canyon Lookout
Arriving at Waimea Canyon Lookout

Waimea Canyon
Stunning Waimea Canyon.

me taking in the view
On top of the world.

Waimea Canyon
The canyon stretching before our eyes.

A gorgeous view.

people at the lookout
People at the Waimea Canyon lookout

Dan and I at Waimea Canyon
Dan and I at Waimea Canyon

steep incline of the canyon
The pictures just don't do it justice!

clouds over the canyon
Clouds over the canyon.

Dan at the canyon
Hubby with the canyon in the background.

red dirt!
Dan was fascinated by the red dirt that could be found all over the island.

Dan got some fresh fruits.
We picked up some fresh fruits at this roadside vendor right before they closed up shop.

For dinner, we stopped at the Shrimp Station in Waimea. If you know how much I love shrimp, you can imagine how psyched I was to go here….

Kaua'i's Shrimp Station!
Kaua'i's Shrimp Station!

Shrimp tacos!
I got shrimp tacos!

Dan got the Thai shrimp
Dan got the Thai shrimp. Super good!

We got some coconut shrimp to go...
We wanted to try more, so we even got some coconut shrimp to go...

We then drove back to our hotel in Kapaa to kick back and relax for the rest of the evening.

Dan cut open this mystery fruit that he picked up at the roadside vendor. To this day, we’re still uncertain of what it’s called, but we were curious so we decided to try it out. To be honest, it was not very good…

Mystery fruit that was not so good... still don't know what it was.
Looks unappetizing... and did not taste very good, either.

Enjoying leftovers on our balcony.
Me enjoying some of our leftovers on our hotel balcony.

Dan eating on the balcony
The hubby eating... the coconut shrimp was delicious1

view of the beach from our balcony
The view of the beach from our balcony.

After waking up super early in the morning, we were totally pooped by the end of the day! We got to see so many amazing sights though, both along the Na Pali Coast and at Waimea Canyon — these are definite must-sees if you are ever in Kaua’i. 🙂