Our good friend Ryosuke (Richard) was in San Francisco helping his girlfriend Michelle move here! We met up with them for dinner and showed them Japantown — so great seeing Hokie friends again and enjoying some delicious Japanese food! 🙂

Ryosuke and Michelle in SF! :)


ika shoga-yaki! So good!!! 


yakisoba and ebi fry


A trip to Japantown isn’t complete without the geisha float from Murata’s Cafe Hana, of course. We ended the evening introducing them to one of our favorite desserts! Green tea slush, green tea ice cream, red beans, and mochi pieces. (It’s usually topped with whipped cream but I ordered it without because I don’t like whipped cream.)  It was, as usual, amazing.

Geisha Float from Cafe Hana


Welcome to San Francisco, Michelle! 😀