Family lunch date at Luciano’s after picking Mio up from preschool on Veteran’s Day last week.
Our little lamb fell asleep in Daddy’s arms during lunch.
She rarely falls asleep on us like this these days, so I had to capture it. Reminds me of her baby days!
Here’s Mio admiring the Christmas model village they had on display while we were shopping at Michaels. She kept saying “sugo-i!” (Japanese for amazing, wonderful, awesome, basically anything that is impressive and knocks your socks off.) We had her repeat it for the video below:
Dan took Mio grocery shopping with him on Sunday afternoon, and she fell asleep so he pushed her around like this in the cart.
Ted and Jackie were in DC visiting on Tuesday! We had a memorable day at the Museum of Natural History.
After enjoying a late lunch and desserts in Georgetown.
Masquerading with animal masks and dress-up at Kailee’s.
All smiles with her balloon after her dentist check-up today! (This was her second trip to the dentist ever – the first was back in May.) Pearly whites are looking good!
Can’t believe Thanksgiving and Christmas is right around the corner! The holidays are my favorite time of year. ♥
Mio’s showing so much personality these days! She’s so quirky and is always making everyone around her laugh. Here are some priceless moments that we’ve captured in the past week…
Love her expressions! They crack me up. Nemo peeking out from behind her is a funny touch…
Wild rider!
The road to potty training is long and arduous. Today Mio ran around wearing her potty seat around like it was a floatie. Starting to think she’ll still be in diapers when we send her off to college…
Interestingly, Mio’s favorite item from her trick-or-treating loot is this pair of fangs…
These last couple ones aren’t comedic moments, but they’re still cute so I threw them in. 🙂
It seems that spring is finally here. Or rather, based on the weather we’ve been getting this week, that we’ve skipped it altogether and jumped from winter to summer! We’ve been enjoying temperatures up in 80s so far this week, but after months of chilliness, the warmer weather is a welcome respite. I’m not complaining!
Here are some snapshots from the past few days, including the weekend.
First spring flowers in her hair… “Mommy, I’m ready for Coachella!”
Wrapping up cookies for a bridal shower order. With spring-inspired floral decorations…
Lunch at Temari together on Saturday before Dan left for the NAB Show in Vegas.
Sakura mochi from Temari… the only place I can find it in the DC area!
Celebrating my sister Miwa’s 23rd birthday on Saturday.
Mio and I spent Sunday afternoon at Great Falls.
We got to hang out with this new family of four: Pat, Theo, Anna and Cara!
Mio and Anna sharing a hug. ⤠Thanks for a fun day together!
Wild goose chase! At Meadowlark Botanical Gardens in Vienna.
Grandpas make good chairs.
Soaking up the sun on a beautiful day. ☀
Not spring-related, but Mio learned how to climb out of the crib this week. I caught her in mid-escape this morning!
Mio having her first popsicle with her new friend Kailee. â¤
Sharing a cold bite in this 80 degree weather. Of course, they wanted to try each other’s popsicle flavors. 😉