Some snapshots and video of the girls from this past week…

15 week old Mirei
Here’s Mirei at 15 weeks old.


15 week old Mirei
Having some quiet time alone with Mama on the mornings Mio is at preschool.


Mio asleep by the shoe rack
Mio has a tendency lately to just fall asleep wherever she is playing. She refuses to willingly take naps, but still gets tired so often drifts off to sleep mid-activity. Here she is asleep nearby the shoe rack…


Mirei in a milk coma
Mirei in a milk coma


Mio came over after bathtime like this and said "Boo!" to me.
Mio came over after bathtime like this and said “Boo!” to me.


Dan playing patty-cake with Mirei the other night…


Sisters hanging out on the bed. Both look extra chubby from this angle! lol
Sisters hanging out on the bed. Both look extra chubby from this angle! lol


Mirei in her crib
Mirei in her crib


Mio as Minnie Mouse
Mio trying on a Minnie Mouse costume she received as a birthday present.


Mio as Minnie Mouse
She LOVES Minnie Mouse right now, so she was so happy to match her doll!


Thank you Maya & the Beltrami family!
Thank you Maya & the Beltrami family!


Looking at earthworms in the backyard.
Nan Young brought Gianna and Abram over for a playdate on Thursday. Here are the kids looking at earthworms in the backyard before it started thunderstorming.


Dr. Gianna examining baby Mirei.
Dr. Gianna examining baby Mirei. “Good girl, you didn’t cry when I gave you the shot!” I loved listening to her — so funny and cute!


Please don't grow up too fast...
Mio suddenly looks so grown up in this photo! Please don’t grow up too fast…