The new bouncer I ordered for Mio arrived last night, and Dan promptly assembled it so that she could try it out! Here it is:

hanging out in her new bouncer

She doesn’t seem to love it as much as she did the one back at my parents’ house, but we’re hoping she’ll grow to like it more as she gets used to it.


Mio with Sophie

Mio in her new bouncer

Some other recent developments:

Mio can lift her head up much better these days thanks to practicing a little every day on her tummy time mat for the past few weeks.

Mio can lift her head up pretty well now!

She has also started using the Bumbo Seat… hopefully she’ll be able to start sitting up on her own without it soon!

looking around

learning how to sit

You are growing up so fast, Mio! πŸ™‚