So proud of Team Japan today! They won in their match against Denmark earlier today, 3-1, and won their ticket to advance to the next round of the Final 16 in the World Cup!!!

These are the moments I wait (im)patiently every four years for…

Everyone knows that expectations for Japan were pretty low going into this year’s World Cup — mine were, too, and I was just going to sit back and enjoy the games. But it’s upsets like this that make the world of soccer exciting! This is Japan’s first time scoring three goals in a World Cup game, and this year is the first time they have won a match on foreign soil. (They did well in 2002, but it was on home soil.) So proud of the Samurai Blue!

It’s been an exciting couple weeks in World Cup, and I have high hopes that the best is yet to come. It’s great to see some of the underdogs making it into the Final 16, like the U.S. and Japan.


Viva la FIFA!!!