Mio woke up with a fever on Sunday morning, and was understandably very cranky and irritable. We at first wondered if she’d gotten sick, but it seems like the fever came from her teething. She keeps reaching into her mouth to touch her teeth — the four molars that are coming in at once are undoubtedly bothering her. Dan’s sister Hyo was visiting from New York this weekend, and she captured some photos of Mio. You can definitely see how miserable Mio was from the fever in the first few, but she was in a much better mood once she got some acetaminophen.
By Sunday evening, her fever was a lower, and she started smiling a little more. π We missed that smile!
Her forehead is still a little warm the past couple days and her teeth still seem to be bothering her a bit, but she is doing much better. What a relief! She did wake up today with a bit of a raspy voice, but it went away after drinking some water so I’m hoping that the moodiness and fever were indeed due to teething and not any type of sickness.
Here are some additional photos that we took from last Friday, before the onset of the fever, when Mio was in much better spirits! We’ve been taking lots of photos since getting here, but we’re finally getting caught up.

Later Friday afternoon, 15 month old Junna-chan came over to play with Mio.
Thank you to everyone who sent over warm wishes for Mio to feel better — hopefully she’ll be back to her cheery, rambunctious self soon!