Since Mirei turned 6 months old on Friday, we introduced her to solids for the first time on Monday evening, after coming back from our weekend camping. Here’s a video that we captured of her first taste of solids! (We gave her baby cereal made of single grain oatmeal.)
She doesn’t seem super enthusiastic about it and wasn’t able to retain the spoonfuls very well in her mouth, so it kept dribbling out, but in the end she ended up eating most of it!
I love finding new and innovative products for babies and kids (remember the Yoomi bottle?), so I wanted to share this neat product I recently discovered — the Sili Squeeze.
The Sili Squeeze actually just hit the market last fall, and was developed out of the owner’s desire to feed her growing baby nutritious food on the go whether in the car seat, stroller, or shopping cart. The squeeze is “mommy hands freeâ€, so your little ones can squeeze themselves silly, without the mess and wastefulness of a disposable squeeze.
It can be used by youngsters as little as six months old, all the way up until they are much older kids, to enjoy snacks like applesauce and smoothies. They are sold with two spout options — one which is spill-proof and has some resistance, for babies and toddlers, so that they don’t make a mess, and another with a resistance-free nipple spout that is more free-flowing for kids who are beyond the messy-eating stage. They come with caps, so that the contents will not spill out when not in use.
The Sili Squeeze is great for when you’re on the go and need a mess-free snack to take with you, but I use it a lot at home, too! Now that it’s getting warmer, maybe I’ll make some fruit yogurt smoothies for Mio to enjoy. I think this pouch is a great investment, and hope to get years of good use out of it! 🙂
Mio has been aware of our pet chinchillas for a few months now, and she often stares over at them and watches them eat and drink in their cage. She loves when I hold her up to their cage and let her poke her fingers in to touch their fur. Lately, I will give her a treat to feed to them and she’ll hold it out to the chinchillas to grab. (One out of five times, she’ll reach to put it into her own mouth, so I have to be hypervigilant about watching her and ensuring that doesn’t happen.) We captured it on video last night — the smile that spreads across her face every time Diesel or Piper accept a treat from her hand is priceless…!
These guys haven’t made an appearance on the blog for a while, because I’m always writing about Mio, but we still love them! I’ll always remember that our chinchillas (especially Diesel) were our first “babies” before Mio came along.