Saturday, June 20th was Dan’s company’s annual family picnic, and there were lots of rides and activities for kids and we had a great time again this year!

Saturday, June 20th was Dan’s company’s annual family picnic, and there were lots of rides and activities for kids and we had a great time again this year!
On June 21, we attended the annual family picnic that’s hosted by Dan’s company. Mio had a blast last year but I was in Philadelphia visiting a friend that weekend so was unable to go. I was really glad that I could attend this year for the first time and join in all the family fun! 🙂
Mio looking at herself in my phone camera:
Dan rode the human gyroscope. Just watching him made me dizzy!
We love that Dan’s company hosts such fun, family-friendly events, and this picnic is definitely something that we all look forward to every year. We thoroughly enjoyed all the food, activities, games and rides!
It finally felt like summer here in the East Bay this weekend, so we decided to get out and enjoy the nice weather with an impromptu family picnic over in Tilden Park in Berkeley. We set a blanket down on the field and ate the sandwiches and fruit we brought, and just soaked up the sun for a couple hours….
I created a makeshift canopy to shade Mio from the sun, with a blanket and some help from the wind… 😉
Hopefully the warm weather will continue for a few more weeks so we can get some more outings in… I’m not ready to say goodbye to summer yet!