We had a very busy Saturday on Easter weekend, as we went to two Easter egg hunts! The first one was at Van Dyck Park in Fairfax, and then we headed over to the Lee’s for their now-annual (?) Easter egg hunt event!

Easter egg hunt at Van Dyck Park
Arriving just in time for the egg hunt to begin!


Mio at the Van Dyck Park Easter egg hunt
Mio’s ready to get some eggs!


Dan and Mirei at the Van Dyck Park Easter egg hunt
Meanwhile, Mirei is pretty oblivious, happily held by Daddy…


Rushing the field to pick up the eggs!


After the egg hunt, we took some time to let the girls run around and play, as Van Dyck Park has a fairly large playground! It was so windy that morning!

Mio at Van Dyck Park
Mio peering through the window on the playground


Mio dashing around the playground!


Van Dyck Park
Mio climbing the rock wall at Van Dyck Park


Some of the climbing action!


Mirei with her Easter eggs:


Lunch at Tequila Grande
Lunch at Tequila Grande after Van Dyck Park


Mirei learned how to dip her French fries into ketchup!


After lunch, we headed over to the Lee household for the egg hunt they organized with all their family friends! We had so much fun with them last year and the year before, so we were excited to join them again this year!

Ready to go!
Ready for the second egg hunt of the day!


Listening to the egg hunt rules
Listening to the egg hunt rules from Stephanie


Let the egg hunt begin!


Mirei participating, too!
Mirei participating, too!


Mio with her egg hunt loot!
Mio showing us the eggs she found.


Mio picking flower lollipops
Picking flower lollipops…



All the kids at the egg hunt!
Group photo with all the kiddos at the egg hunt


Mirei with a lollipop
Uh oh, Mirei’s got a lollipop…


Mirei with a lollipop
“Look what I found!”


Mirei with a lollipop
Sticking the whole lollipop, wrapper and all, in her mouth…


Mio & Mirei after the egg hunt
Mio & Mirei together after the egg hunt


After the egg hunt, we enjoyed a delicious Easter-themed lunch and snacks prepared by Stephanie and Chwan, and they kids enjoyed playing with all the toys inside! The grownups had a great time chatting and catching up while the kids had their fun. On the short ten minute drive home that afternoon, both the girls fell asleep and continued to nap for a couple hours when we brought them inside. They were tuckered out from all the excitement!

Sleeping on the couch
Napping on the couch


Sleeping on the couch
It was a tiring but fun-filled day!