We have a pet chinchilla named Diesel, and although he has a somewhat grumpy disposition, I still think he is the cutest four-legged creature to walk the face of the earth. He is a bit overweight for a chinchilla, weighing in at just over two pounds, and he often just looks like a ball of fur with ears and a tail. He brings out the Elmyra Duff (remember Animaniacs?) in me, and I just want to squeeze him and love him forever and ever and ever. Even friends who normally hate rodents like mice and hamsters are often won over when they see our Diesel.

Diesel is so adorable, in fact, that it would be a pity for his cuteness to go on unnoticed in the world. Recently, I’ve been plotting ways to make Diesel a YouTube celebrity, with his own channel full of viral videos and a fan base of loyal followers. We just have to come across the right ideas at the right time, and Diesel will soon be following in the footsteps of Panda Dog, Heart-kun, and Susan Boyle.

Here are some videos we’ve recorded over the past to test the waters….

Stay tuned for more from tomorrow’s YouTube superstar, Diesel!