Today is Dan’s 29th birthday, so show him some birthday love! I didn’t have to work yesterday, so when Dan came home from work, I surprised him with a German chocolate cake I had decorated with a birthday message I knew he’d love! For those of you who don’t know, Dan is a huge fan of the Android OS, and we’re usually a house divided because I’m a big fan and user of the iOS/Mac operating system, while Dan is all about supporting Android. For his birthday, though, I decided to set aside my loyalty to Apple for a day and decorate Dan’s birthday cake with the Android mascot and the pun-ny birthday message, “Happy Birthday Dandroid.” As I expected, Dan loved it — I caught his reaction on video, too!

Happy birthday, Dan! Thank you for being the best husband and father in the world to Mio and I, and for everything you do! Looking forward to all the new memories we’ll make together in the coming year, and beyond. π