Baby Shower at Scitor

Last Friday, Dan’s team at his company invited Mio and I over to their office for a lunch. Dan had just been told that it was a lunch to treat us in honor of the upcoming arrival — we were surprised to find upon arrival that they had decorated the conference room and prepared many thoughtful and generous gifts for the baby. His fellow team members had planned a beautiful baby shower for us!

Mio was so excited to visit Daddy at work!
Mio was so excited to visit Daddy at work!


Baby Shower at Scitor


Baby Shower at Scitor


Baby Shower at Scitor
They catered a delicious Italian lunch from Merone’s.


Mio was chowing down!
Mio was of course chowing down!


She also loved helping opening the gifts and cards.
She also loved helping opening the gifts and cards.


Dan's team members had even prepared gifts for Mio, including "Big Sister" scrubs she could wear to visit baby in the hospital!
Dan’s team members had even prepared gifts for Mio, including “Big Sister” scrubs she could wear to visit baby in the hospital!


A "Big Sister" book to prepare Mio to be a helpful older sibling.
A “Big Sister” book to prepare Mio to be a helpful older sibling.


Baby Shower at Scitor
They also presented us with a diaper/wipe caddy for the car embroidered with our last name, as well as a photo album full of generous gift cards from Target, Babies R Us, Baby Gap, B&H Photo, grocery stores… we were floored!


Mio especially loved this stuffed giraffe.
Mio especially loved this stuffed giraffe. She loved being a part of the celebration!


The baby shower lunch was such a warm and thoughtful gesture from Dan’s team, and we were reminded of how blessed we are to have so much support in both our personal and professional lives. With only a couple weeks to go until the due date, we’re finally feeling ready (or as ready as we’ll ever be) to welcome our much-anticipated addition to our family. (Even Mio has been pointing to herself and saying “Big Eester” — because she can’t quite say “sister” — non-stop, both at home and to her teachers and classmates at preschool. The other day, she came up to my belly and said, “Baby, hurry up!!!” lol.) We can’t wait to meet her!

(Special thanks to Dan’s coworker Melissa for taking these photos and sending them to us!)