On December 25, I’m turning 30.

For my 30th birthday, I wanted to do something special and memorable. That’s why this year, I’m giving up my birthday to charity: water. Instead of getting me a birthday present, taking me to dinner, or writing on my Facebook wall, please donate $30 (or any amount you are comfortable with — every cent counts!) for my 30th birthday, and help me bring clean water to people in need. It breaks my heart to know that millions of children my daughter’s age do not have access to clean, safe water, and because of that, will not live to see their fifth birthdays.

Go to my campaign to donate: http://mycharitywater.org/misono

What’s really cool is that 100% of the money we raise will directly fund water project costs in the field, and charity: water will prove every single dollar. When the project we help fund is complete, they’ll send us a digital completion report with GPS coordinates and photos of the community we helped. Here’s an example.

I can’t think of a better way to celebrate my birthday than by giving the gift of clean water to people in need. Please join me to make this birthday count, and make my only birthday/Christmas wish come true!


Special thanks to my friend Estella for inspiring me to do this when she gave up her own birthday a few years ago!