We had a very busy Saturday on Easter weekend, as we went to two Easter egg hunts! The first one was at Van Dyck Park in Fairfax, and then we headed over to the Lee’s for their now-annual (?) Easter egg hunt event!
Arriving just in time for the egg hunt to begin!
Mio’s ready to get some eggs!
Meanwhile, Mirei is pretty oblivious, happily held by Daddy…
Rushing the field to pick up the eggs!
After the egg hunt, we took some time to let the girls run around and play, as Van Dyck Park has a fairly large playground! It was so windy that morning!
Mio peering through the window on the playground
Mio dashing around the playground!
Mio climbing the rock wall at Van Dyck Park
Some of the climbing action!
Mirei with her Easter eggs:
Lunch at Tequila Grande after Van Dyck Park
Mirei learned how to dip her French fries into ketchup!
After lunch, we headed over to the Lee household for the egg hunt they organized with all their family friends! We had so much fun with them last year and the year before, so we were excited to join them again this year!
Ready for the second egg hunt of the day!
Listening to the egg hunt rules from Stephanie
Let the egg hunt begin!
Mirei participating, too!
Mio showing us the eggs she found.
Picking flower lollipops…
Group photo with all the kiddos at the egg hunt
Uh oh, Mirei’s got a lollipop…
“Look what I found!”
Sticking the whole lollipop, wrapper and all, in her mouth…
Mio & Mirei together after the egg hunt
After the egg hunt, we enjoyed a delicious Easter-themed lunch and snacks prepared by Stephanie and Chwan, and they kids enjoyed playing with all the toys inside! The grownups had a great time chatting and catching up while the kids had their fun. On the short ten minute drive home that afternoon, both the girls fell asleep and continued to nap for a couple hours when we brought them inside. They were tuckered out from all the excitement!
Last Saturday, we were invited to a pumpkin carving party with the Lee family! There were lots of Halloween-themed treats and games for the little kids, and our whole family had a great time taking part in the festivities with friends. Stephanie and Chwan were wonderful hosts and really threw an awesome Halloween party full of fun for all ages!
A decorate-your-own-cupcake station! Such a great idea.
Delicious Halloween treats!
Mio checking out the cupcake spider.
Mimi holding Mirei 🙂
Mio sharing a pizza with Daddy
Mirei loved exploring in the new environment!
Mio’s decorated cupcake
Mio with her cupcake that she decorated!
There were lots of cool Halloween games that Stephanie set up for the kids.
Dan with our nigiri girls
Our girls dressed as sushi! We’ll have to post better photos of the costumes later.
Mio loved playing with Danny’s hammer toy
Mio decorated her pumpkin with these cat face foam stickers.
The carved pumpkins! Everyone did such a great job carving!
Dan carved the raven one (in the very back). Good job, hubby!
Mio got to be a part of another Easter egg hunt this morning at her friend Danny’s house! Danny’s mommy Stephanie did an amazing job of decorating their front lawn and setting up Easter egg hunt stations as well as an Easter egg roll! Mio had so much fun at their egg hunt last year, and this one was even more amazing — more kids, more eggs, more activities! We’re always so impressed with how well Stephanie & Chwan organize their egg hunt event!
Mio and Danny waiting for the Easter egg roll.
Waiting for the spoon to make its way over so Mio can roll her egg.
Roll that egg!
Time for the main event: Easter egg hunt!
Today was so hot that I dressed Mio in this adorable romper. Egg hunting in style!
Some video Dan took of the egg hunt:
Mio’s basket was getting heavy…
All the adorable kids lined up!
Mio is all smiles with her Easter egg loot.
A family photo after the egg hunt.
Thanks again to the Lee family for organizing the egg hunt and inviting us to be a part of it! Mio really loved it, and it was a whole lot of fun for our whole family. 🙂
Happy Easter! Mio got to go on her first egg hunt yesterday when her friend Danny and his parents invited us over for an Easter egg hunt in their front yard. Even though it was Mio’s first time, she knew exactly what to do and was a egg hunting pro!
Stephanie made little signs in each area with numbers indicating how many eggs each child could pick up in that respective location, to make sure that they would all get an equal number of eggs.
There were also various themed eggs, from metallic ones to iridiscent ones, to ones shaped like ducks and cars!
Mio’s favorite was definitely the ducks!
Mio is distracted by a pretty pom pom decoration on a tree.
Back to the egg hunt!
Danny also hard at work finding eggs!
Mio showing us her loot! So many eggs!
Adorable Danny counting out his eggs.
Mio randomly came over and gave Daddy a hug. Such a sweetheart.
Looking quite pleased with herself.
Cutiepies with their eggs!
Mio suddenly grabbed one of her car-shaped eggs and held it out towards Danny, as if she wanted to give it to him.
“Danny…?” No response.
He finally turns and notices!
Negotiating a trade. lol
Are you being bashful, Mio? Too cute!
The three cutiepies, quite happy with their eggs!
A family picture. 🙂
The beautiful Lee family! Thanks for organizing the egg hunt, Stephanie!
Mio inches in towards Danny and oustreches her arms for a hug.
…but instead of a hug, they just ended up standing really close to each other and staring down at their toes.
Danny getting a little push from his Daddy.
This looks like a scene from a sappy Asian drama. lol
Back at home, checking out the toys inside the eggs. Instead of the usual chocolates and candies, the eggs were filled with little stickers, toys, and other goodies that are fun for kids to play with.
Cute Easter-themed stamps from inside the eggs!
There was even little bunny dolls with parachutes attached to them. Here Mio is trying to test one out.
Mio had such a great time at the egg hunt, and was playing with the eggs and the little goodies from inside the eggs all day yesterday, even reaching for them right after she awoke from her nap! It must have been just that much fun for her. Special thanks to Danny, Stephanie, and Chwan for planning and preparing the egg hunt and having us over! It was a very fun and memorable occasion for our whole family!
Last Saturday, we took Mio to Frying Pan Farm Park in Herndon, a historical farm where you can see all kinds of animals and experience farm life from the 1920’s. We met up with our friends Stephanie and Chwan and their adorable son Danny, who is three months older than Mio! We’ve been wanting to have a playdate for the two cuties to meet, and this was the perfect opportunity, since both of them love animals!
One of the cows at Frying Pan Farm.
Mio and Danny were focused on the cows as the mommies chatted away.
Mio and Danny watching the piglets nursing.
There was a sandbox filled with corn kernels (instead of sand) for them to play in. What a great idea — a whole less messy than sand!
Mio playing with the corn kernels.
Staring in amazement at the baby goat.
Face to face.
One really cool attraction they had there was cow milking! Even I’ve never seen a cow getting milked, so it was very cool to see and experience! I was trying to explain to Mio that they were squeezing the “minmi” (Japanese baby word for “milk”) that she drinks out of the cow, and she started pulling on her ears. Dan and I were confused for a few seconds, but then it dawned on me that she was confusing the word with “mimi” (which is Japanese for “ear”). I couldn’t help but laugh!
Mio pulling her ears by the cow.
Mio learning how to milk the cow (with some help from Daddy)
What an experience!
Because Frying Pan Farm Park is a historical site and they showcase farm life from the 1920’s, they have a lot of old-fashioned traditional machines that have survived for almost a century! This machine de-kernels corn, and it’s the original machine from the 1920’s! I couldn’t believe how well it still worked, and so efficiently too (it uses very little gas to operate)!
Danny and Mio watching a machine de-kernel corn
The kiddos were just as interested in the machine as the adults!
Hitting their de-kerneled corn cobs together.
Mio trying to climb up the bars of a fence… typical Mio behavior.
Another neat machine they had was one in which you’d throw apples in, and the apples would get transported up into a mechanism that would turn the apples into apple cider! They handed out apples for kids and their parents to throw into the machine, so that we could watch them go up.
Mio and I threw some apples in together into the machine.
After seeing a lot of the farm life of the park, we walked over to the carousel and playground area.
Mio of course had a ball on the playground, going down the slides over and over!
Having a fun time learning to count.
Riding the carousel!
She had a great time!
After a couple hours at the park, the cuties were hungry and ready to eat!
We ended the outing with a delicious Burmese lunch at Myanmar restaurant in Falls Church! It was a fun day spent with great friends. 🙂