We were invited to celebrate Anna’s fourth birthday at Mobu Kids playgym in Falls Church! The girls had a blast and we loved seeing and catching up with Anna, Cara, Pat and Theo. 🙂 Thanks so much for inviting us to be a part of sweet Anna’s birthday celebration — can’t believe she is four already!
When we arrived, Mio ran right in and started climbing everything. No hesitation!
Mirei needed a little more coaxing but she eventually warmed up to the play area when I went in with her.
Circle time with the instructors
Mirei with the egg shakers
Mirei was having such a great time!
Mio playing with the egg shakers
Parachute time!
Anna and Mio with the parachute
Anna and Cara in the middle of the parachute
The girls all got to go in the middle of the parachute, while everyone else pulled the parachute around.
Lots of girls!
Mirei refused to get off so she stuck around for the boys’ turn… lol
Mirei didn’t get to wave the parachute up and down, but she definitely enjoyed the breeze from it and seeing the balls bouncing!
At one point, Mirei went under the parachute and got lost under there, which made us panic for a moment:
Dan also captured the funny moment:
Mirei running around in excitement!
Chasing after bubbles with Cara
Such cutiepies!
Mio in her element, scaling the rockwall
The kids enjoying pizza and cupcakes
M&M with their cheeks full of food
Singing “Happy Birthday” to Anna!
Mio loved the cupcake cone!
Pure bliss!
Mirei playing with the water fountain… we were surprised she climbed up on the stool herself and started pushing the button
With lovely mama Pat, one of my dearest friends. ⤠Thanks for inviting us to be a part of Anna’s birthday party! Can’t believe our girls are four… it’s been such a joy to experience motherhood at the same time with you!
Today I wrap up my last week as a stay-at-home mom. I feel fortunate to have been one, and I will always look back on and cherish these three years that I was able to spend at home with my young daughters. I’m thankful that I had the opportunity to freelance, which granted me the flexibility to create and adjust my own hours so that I could spend more time with them. I will remember with fondness the slow-paced days we spent together. Cuddling and sleeping in. Long afternoons spent at the parks. The moments on the swing set when I would watch them swoop back and forth and realize that someday these afternoons will have seemed to have flown past in a blink of an eye… and I would pause mid-push to savor the experience while it lasted.
This past week, I’ve felt a sense of mourning and have cried many tears as I bring this chapter of my life to a close. It feels like I’m saying goodbye to my girls, even though I’ll still see them every day, but just for much less hours. But I made the decision to go back into the workforce full-time for my career, sanity, and better financial security as a family. I’m not really well-suited to be a stay-at-home-parent, and while I probably realized that a long time ago, it took me a few years to be able to admit it and be at peace with it. I so wanted to be the super SAHM that could fill their kids’ days with fun activities, playdates, learning and lessons, and be able to relish and love every second of it. I certainly made the effort, and there were plenty of times that I loved being able to spend so much time with them and watch them grow. But there have always been worries and doubts plaguing the back of my head, as well as a longing to have more time to focus and dedicate to myself and career. Perhaps someday, I will be able to find a better balance so that I can still enjoy more time with our daughters as they grow, but for now I will hope they get a lot of social interaction at their daycare and make more of an effort to be present, patient, and appreciative of the time I spend with them on the evenings and on weekends. They grow up so fast and time passes by so quickly, whether I am at home with them or working, so I just have to do my best to cherish every minute.
I’ll close this week with some photos and videos I took of the girls when I took them to the park this week…
Mio says she’s “over the rainbow”
seesaw buddies!
Mirei on the playground. She can climb up the steps and go almost everywhere Mio goes!
On the swingset at Borge Street Park:
Mulch-loving Mirei!
Mirei climbing the playground:
Mio playing picnic with her dolls
She loves her Beanie babies!
Lining up her Hello Kitties and Ollie the octopus
She has grown up so much in the three years I’ve spent at home with her.
Showing me a grownup smile 🙂
I’m experiencing the gamut of mixed emotions right now, but I’m excited to start my new job on Monday and am hoping for a smooth transition for all of us.
We spent this past weekend at Camp Shehaqua, a family camp at Hickory Run State Park in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. We arrived on Friday afternoon and left on Sunday afternoon, so it was a fun three days and two nights spent with friends and their families in the great outdoors!
Our little cabin for the weekend.
Arriving at Camp Shehaqua
Mio relaxing in the hammock by the dining hall.
Mirei and I squeezed in too. It was so comfy!
Both nights, there was a campfire and s’mores after dinner. Here’s Mio on the first night by the campfire.
Hanging out by the campfire.
Roasting marshmallows.
Mio and I enjoying our s’mores! She loved them.
6 month old Mirei and 10 month old Avonlea.
Avonlea, 2 month old Alanna, and Mirei! So many baby girls!
Morning activity the next day for the “Twinkles” group (which was 3 – 5 year olds)
Mio had a good time participating in the activities with Dan.
Meanwhile, Mirei and I were in the “Milky Way” group for babies under two. Mirei got to make some new baby friends!
Mirei with her friends:
The campground had a really clean and well-maintained pool! Mio had a great time swimming in it in the afternoon.
Mirei got to take a dip, too!
With our sweet girls in the pool.
The dodgeball tournament in the evening of the second day.
Lots of outdoor fun!
Mio and Seiji watching their Daddies play dodgeball from the sidelines.
The girls with Daddy after the game.
Mirei sitting up in the field
Dojoon was so sweet and doting with Mirei!
Mirei getting lots of attention!
Seiji playing with Mirei
A bunch of the boys hugging Mirei. She was getting bombarded with affection!
Mio climbing a tree for the first time. She had such a good time at the camp!
While I’m not a very outdoorsy person and camping usually is a challenge for me, it was nice to unplug and get away with other families and friends, and spend time in nature together. The kids definitely enjoyed it, and we’re looking forward to going again in the future!
Last Thursday, Mio and I went over to Maryland to meet up with some of my fellow Mama friends in the area and their kids. Together, we went on an outing to Watkins Park there and had a picnic, played on the playground, and then strolled around the farm section. It was great catching up with them, and seeing how much their children have grown… we’ve all known each other since our pre-motherhood days, so it’s really amazing to see each other with our own families now! We were a group of seven parents (including myself) and ten kids, so it was quite rowdy and a whole lot of fun!
We hitched a ride to the park with Lan's kids DoJoon and Seiji
Hat, check. Sunscreen, check. It was such a hot, sunny day!
Seiji and Mio passed out on the ride to the park.
13 month old Mio and 18 month old Seiji playing together at the park.
Maya, Asher, and Aiden eating at the picnic. Many of our friends' kids are quarters, like Mio!
4 month old Aubriana -- so adorable.
Mio is very curious about Aubriana.
Mio playing with the big boys DoJoon, Zenshin, and Seiji... she looks so little compared to them!
Mio got a hug from Kosei... melt melt melt!
After lunch and some playtime on the playground, we trekked over to the farm area of the park.
Looking at the bunnies
So many kids!
Mio looking at the chickens
Mamas and their kids
Beautiful blue peacocks
All of the boys were very interested in the horses and cows.
Mio got right in there with the and even stuck her head into the fenced area...
Looking at the cow.
Distracted by a couple dogs that came by.
A horse came right up to Mio!
Mio was exhausted from all the excitement of playing with so many other kids and seeing all the animals that she napped almost the whole way home! I love that she has so many friends here that she can play with every time we are back in the area. Thank you Lan and Mie for organizing the fun outing! 😀
Happy Halloween! This year marks our first Halloween together as a family of three! Halloween is one of my favorite festivities of the year, and I love thinking of creative costumes every time. I especially like costumes that go together in some sort of a theme and last Halloween, I was just at the beginning of my second trimester so I was pregnant Quinn and Dan was Finn from the TV show Glee. This year, Dan was Mario from Super Mario Brothers, I was Princess Peach, and Mio was… ::drumroll please:: Toad (the toadstool mushroom)! Dan and I had actually thought of the idea of being Mario and Peach for Halloween and had prepared our costumes two years ago, but I got deathly sick that Halloween and so we hadn’t been able to use them! But I suppose it was for the better, because our costume idea was made exponentially better with the addition of Toad Mio!
We had a busy Halloween weekend — on Saturday, Dan and his coworker friend co-hosted a baby-friendly Halloween party in the neighborhood, and on Sunday we drove into the city for an evening of Halloween bowling in the Presidio with our friends from Nakayoshi! Check out all the photos of the Halloween fun from this past weekend…
Mio and I as Toad and Princess Peach.
Cedar was an alligator, and Cristina was the alligator tamer.
Mio looking up to Cedar.
Toad Mio with Mario Daddy.
Standing with some help from Daddy.
She was a little overwhelmed by all the people...
Jasmine and Emme, the older girls at the party.
Pocahontas Sofia pointing... adorable!
Going after Mario's fireball.
Kayo and Jinwoo.
S & S!
Gorgeous view of the skyline and San Francisco city lights, taken from the balcony.
A family picture at the end of the night.
Bowling at the Presidio Bowling Center with Nakayoshi. (I believe this is the first time we’ve taken Mio into the city!)
The Toad mushroom hat we had originally bought for Mio.
The hat was ginormous and way too big on her, so we opted for a different one that was a little more manageable...
...much better!
Jamie lives in San Francisco now! She's my dear friend from Virginia Tech. I'm so thrilled that she's in the area now!
Mio got lots of lovin' from her Nakayoshi aunties and uncles.
Mio's first time meeting Graig... and she loves him already!
Wow, look at that chin. Fat angle much? hahaha*
My happy mushroom, aglow under the black lights.
Graig was so good with her!
The masked men: army man, wolf, and storm trooper.
Basketball star Graig and Little Red Riding Hood Aileen (with mushroom hat)
My new friend Hisae-san! Loved her hat!
With lovely Sam... so glad we got to see her!
With Haruka and Aileen! Mio has known them since she was one month old! 😀
Standing around.
"There's a smile!"
She looks like she's about to break into a dance.
Mio's first encounter with a bowling ball.
Jason took this cool picture of Mio in front of the bowling lanes!
She's loving it! She is as round as a bowling ball.
There she goes, scrunching her face again in an all-out smile...
Mio loves Auntie Jamie!
Couldn't resist putting the giant mushroom hat on her one last time...
Hope everyone has a fun Halloween! Perhaps next year Mio can go trick-or-treating!!! I’m already thinking of more family costume ideas….